Messy vintage!

It's a bit messy in there!  My china cabinet is overdue for a tidy up!

Just a little glimpse of vintage china cabinet number one - yes, I have another one.  Number two is a bit tidier!  I just love looking at all this vintage beauty.

Perhaps I'll tidy it another day!

Love, Liz


Kim said…
You have a serious collection of china. Each piece is lovely. Love those two sweet little doggies.
Olde Dame Holly said…
It looks beautiful, a lively profusion of beautiful cups -- and those doggies in the corner!
Messy perhaps, delightful for certain! Your China cabinet looks like the ones I'm often drooling over in antique centres when I'm in the UK! xxx
Thoroughly enjoyed this glimpse of your china collections! Lots of eye candy! You have some really lovely pieces. I particularly like the coffee cups (coffee or tea)in the third photo and the matching saucers. Very nice :-) keep well Amanda x
cristina said…
I simply love it!
Can you show us more detailed, piece by piece?
Catherine said…
I love China and I admire your collection!

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