Enjoying reading

Don't you just love that feeling of starting a new book in a series that you've enjoyed?  I've just started Revelation by C J Sansom.  It is the fourth book in the Shardlake Series - which follows lawyer Matthew Shardlake as he investigates various crimes during the chaos which followed Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries.

Although this is a series of books, each can be enjoyed in its own right.  The author C J Samsom really gets into the details of life in Tudor England - perhaps not for the fainthearted!  The great news is that after I've finished this book, I've still another three to read!

So - do you have any good book recommendations?  Let me and my readers know in the comments below (I'm sorry that I don't seem to be able to reply to comments, don't know why.)

I'd like to wish you all very best wishes for 2021.  Let's make the most of whatever the future holds.

Love, Liz


Hi!I am glad I found you. I came from Cabbin and Cottage,by Jacqueline. You have a wonderful blog!Happy New Year from Far far away,South America. Hugs, Maristella.
Miss Kim said…
I just found you today and this book looks so good! I'm reserving it right now at my library :)
Terra said…
I enjoyed that series, Shardlake is quite a unique leading character and wow, the King dislikes him. I am reading D.E. Stevenson's Music in the Hills, a charming tale of country life. A book with some of the same characters is Vittoria Cottage which I also enjoyed.
Happy New Year Liz!

These books look interesting. I haven't read them but I am very into reading about the Tudor and Elizabethan eras. I think I will get the first one and see how it goes :-) Have you read Rosalind Miles' novel I Elizabeth?. Although a novel she has obviously done her research in detail. In fact I think I will read it again.
keep well

Amanda x
I'll have a lookout for this series, Liz, it sounds quite intriguing! xxx
Olde Dame Holly said…
An old triology that I much enjoyed was Kristin Lavransdatter. The author won a Nobel Prize, but this triology might not be well known now. I also enjoyed the "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series, and I don't usually read murder mysteries but I thought it was a gentle and sweet series.

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