Cross Stitch Finish

I've just finished this cute little cross stitch by Madame Chantilly.  I loved this the moment I saw the pattern.

I thought this little lady with her blue dress and white apron would look cute stitched on my light pink fabric.  I dyed this fabric myself using cranberry juice!  The pattern gives a few different ways of stitching her.  Love that little cross stitched sheep too - might to that later.

Now comes the bit I don't enjoy - finishing it off!  I'm not very good at this bit!  Would love to turn it into a cute little pillow.

I thought using light blue gingham fabric would suit it best.

Got another finish to show you tomorrow!

Love, Liz 


That's a lovely one, Liz. How clever to dye the fabric with cranberry juice! xxx
Julie said…
Have you ever read Vonna's finishing blog

She has such wonderful tutorials to help stitchers.
Happy finishing of your pretty little sewing lady.
Julie - yes, she has great tutorials. Just can't make up my mind what to do!
Thanks, Liz

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