Stitching and vintage tea

I loved this little stitch- Home Stitch Home -so much that I'm going to stitch it again in different colours.

It is a freebie (#bewellandstitch) from Tiny Modernist (you can download from their site).  It just took me two days and I used colours from my stash.

So, between that, some beautiful daffies from my garden and a cup of tea from some vintage china, it was a lovely start to my day.

Hope you are all safe and well.

Love, Liz


butterfly said…
Lovely new stitch .
Great post.
Have a good week .
Julie said…
Pretty stitchy finish, pretty daffodil, pretty cup and saucer and what looks like a tasty cuppa.
mamasmercantile said…
Such a wonderful combination, a craft project vintage china and tea. Stay safe.
Oh, that one's absolutely gorgeous Liz. I love those colours! xxx

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