Can they be vintage already?

Look what I came across - (in a box, under the bed) some Postman Pat comics from 1991.

Aren't the illustrations and colours wonderful!

I remember my younger son loved Postman Pat - don't suppose there were many children of that generation who didn't.  I even remember the theme tune, I'm humming it as I write!

Jess, the black and white cat - aw!

Charlie Chalk - remember him?

Saw some of these old comics advertised as "vintage"!  Really?  I think of vintage as being stuff from the 1930s and 1940s.  I suppose it all depends on your age!

Hope you are all well - it's great to read all the blog posts and realise that we are all coping in our own different ways with these very unusual times.  Take care.

Love, Liz


Lilbitbrit said…
Yes, one doesn't realize how vintage one has become. My mum in England used to get them and save them up for my boy in USA here.
Heritage Hall said…
So glad you are holding your own and getting on with life, Liz. We
all need to get into the spirit of "can do" ….Have a blessed day.
Jean said…
I love these. The colours are great.
kate steeper said…
how odd i have a pile of these tucked away from when the kids were small , just goes to show what a pack rat i am
We never had Postman Pat in Belgium, but being a regular UK visitor I obviously know about him, if only from the Postman Pat rides outside supermarkets! xxx
Julie said…
Much prefer the old Postman Pat to the new updated one.... what a fabulous find.

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