I used to be monogamous!

A monogamous stitcher, that is!!!  What were YOU thinking?  I've discovered that someone who works on just one cross stitch project at a time is called a monogamous stitcher and that's how I would have described myself until quite recently.

But, with so many wonderful cross stitch patterns to choose from, it is difficult not to to make an immediate start on new acquisitions.  Yesterday I showed you my progress on Queen of the Needle by Brenda Gervais.  I worked on that last night and got a fair amount of stitching done.

Yesterday I bought some new fabric (18 count white Aida) from my local needlework shop.  It had a free pattern inside with an alphabet.  This morning I tea dyed the fabric.  I just crumpled it up and put it in a basin with three USED teabags (waste not want not, people!) and some boiling water,  I left it for a wee while, stirring occasionally then when it was the shade I wanted I took it out, rinsed it in cold water and left it on a towel to partially dry.  I'll iron it before using.

I'm going to use this fabric to stitch my new Rovaris pattern - Happiness is walking on the beach.  I love the lighthouse.  About to start stitching after I post this.  I'm also still working on Old Nantucket - not got much to go on that one, but needed a break from it.

Tea dyed fabric drying.
So, my monogamous habit has change drastically as I intend to make a few more starts in the near future.  Anyway, once I pop my clogs it will be my family who will have to clear out my craft boxes, so why should I worry about how much is going in there!  Are you a monogamous stitcher?

Keep healthy, happy and busy!

Love, Liz


Julie said…
You progressed to a Serial Starter LOL
Oh dear! I wonder does the Queen of the Needle know you're cheating on her? I kind of understand, as they're both such lovely patterns. And as a walk on the beach sounds like heaven in these trying times, I can imagine you couldn't wait to start on that one! xxx

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