Roses and vintage lace

I bought some beautiful roses yesterday.  They were so delicate and pretty they reminded me of old lace.

Of course I have a wee selection of odds and ends of lace which I have kept for ages.

Why does my heart sing just looking at this lace?

I keep my lace in this lovely tin which was came all the way from Australia many years ago from a lovely blogger called Kylie who's blog was Lucy Violet Vintage.  (Don't think she is still blogging or has perhaps changed her name.  Her blog was wonderful.)

Anyway these roses and this lace have really cheered up a dark and dreary day here in Greenock where it has rained almost continuously for weeks!!!!!!! (Well, it feels like that to me!)  We have rain water coming through our dining room ceiling.  Hopefully the roofer is coming to fix loose roof slate next week.

Hope you are surviving all these storms that have been battering Britain and around the world and have not suffered too much damage.

Love, Liz


Kim said…
Love the sight of all those ruffles and ruffles of pretty lace. All the way from Australia you say; such a sweet gift. Hope that rain stops soon. Before you know it spring will be showing up at your place.
Julie said…
There is something lovelh about a bit of lace. I have some that belonged to my late MIL.
Pretty roses.
Roses and lace...such a beautiful combination! I love the tin, too!
Looking at the roses and ruffles of lace, not to mention that gorgeous tin, is making my heart sing as well. We've had pretty non-stop rain as well, although we were lucky with the weather when we went away for our anniversary at the beginning of the month. Hope the rain soon stops and that your roof gets mended even sooner! xxx

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