My first sampler

After all these years of cross stitching (I won't say how many!), I am finally stitching a proper reproduction sampler!

It is Jane Marshall 1857 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers and is being sold as a fundraiser for two fire brigades of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service in Australia.  I'm sure we've all see the dreadful pictures of the devastation caused by the bushfires in Australia at the moment and it is a very good cause.  So far Hands Across the Sea Samplers have raised over 35,000 Australian dollars by donating money from the sale of this sampler - isn't that amazing!

I started it on Monday using thread that I already had and am really enjoying it.  Think I might be purchasing another sampler when this is finished.  Hands Across the Sea have an amazing selection of samplers which you can see here.  There's a gorgeous sampler called The Old Scot which sounds about right for me!!!!!!

Have a wee look at their site - you might even find a sampler with your name on it (of course you could always put your own name on it anyway).  So, back to my stitching.  I'll keep you updated as to my progress.

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
Beautiful Liz.
Julie said…
Samplers are so lovely to stitch. Each row or little motif is like a small finish. This one has been so popular. I'm looking forward to seeing your version grow
Christina said…
Happy stitching! The sampler looks pretty, I do like a bit of pink :-)
How fun! I'm looking forward to seeing your finished piece!
I love samplers, and this one is looking particularly lovely. I love how you're using thread that you already had. Can't wait to see the finished piece! xxx

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