Puffing Santa!

Ok, so this little Santa guy is not traditional - he looks a bit grumpy and he's smoking a pipe!  But I think he's cute just the same.  I have had this ornament for years although I can't remember where I got him.  I'm actually amazed that's he's still in one piece.  No matter where he perches, he always falls off (probably a bit too fond of a wee dram)!  Anyway, think he looks cute among all these other bits and pieces decorating my Christmas tiered tray.

The knitted Snowmen I've had for years, and they just look so cute in here.

The other ornaments I just found in the "Christmas tree decorations the kids used to put on the tree box" which hasn't been opened for ages because since they've left home, I've opted for a wee bit of a posher tree with just white and silver ornaments.  (Ohhh ... get you, Liz!?)

No matter what - I think the tiered tray looks quite cute and brightens up my kitchen.

Now I just have to keep Puffing Santa away from the whisky!

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
Your little Puffing Santa is adorable and I am in love with tiered trays. I have a two tiered one in a cupboard somewhere but am on the lookout for a three tier ready for next Christmas or even to use all year round....it just depends when I manage to find one.
butterfly said…
You have some lovely ornaments .
I love Father Christmas and Mr Snowman.
Crimson Kettle said…
Isn't it great to see all the Christmas treasures again.

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