Big Little Fat Books

I absolutely adore the illustrations in these little books.  They belonged to my children when they were young.  Then my grandchildren enjoy them.

They are 'My Big Little Fat Books'  by Brimax and published in 1985.  The illustrator was Ann Ricketts.

They were great to read with the children because they were so simple and the illustrations so cute.

Now they live with some of the toys in the Lego Room - my grandsons' favourite place when they visit.

Disclaimer:  I hope no books have taken offence to any of the words used in this post.  Big, Fat and Little are all used in the books' titles and were not meant in a derogatory way!  Phew!

Love, Liz


How sweet are those books! Being from 1985 they might even be considered vintage, I suppose. It's lovely that you still have them so that your grandchildren could enjoy them as well. xxx
Kim said…
Yes indeed, these days one has to be careful what one says, doesn't one. =) Those books are sweet. Love the adorable illustrations...and it looks to me as the soft toys like them too.
Julie said…
The oldies are sometimes the best. My granddaughter is enjoying playing the card game 'Donkey' that her mum used to play.
mamasmercantile said…
We have the same set of books, seeing yours today brought back some lovely memories of reading them to my own children.
Jean said…
Lovely books. I think little granddaughter would like them. I will look on eBay.
Vagabonde said…
Some children books artists are really talented. Those you show are so cute; unfortunately children grow fast and then their interests change.
RJ said…
These books are quite wonderful. I really like them alot. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
thedutchess38 said…
I IVE been searching for years for a little square thick paged baby book, I am not sure of the name but I know the first 3 pages by heart. Is there one that starts off
“Let us have a party said the cat
Dog put in a nice party hat…” I used to recite the whole book to my son if he was upset, he calmed right down. Im heartbroken that it is missing or was tossed. Can anyone help me?

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