Cross stitch cushion

After probably 20 years of good intentions, I've finally finished off this cross stitch! 

All that had to be done was the back-stitching - oh my goodness, it took me about 8 hours!  But I was determined to get it done so that I could use the frame it had been on for the last 20 years.

I even blogged about finishing it in January 2016!  Thought that might have spurred me on - oh no! 

So once I had finished the awful back-stitching, I decided that I had to do something with the piece.  Since it was quite large, I decided to make it into a cushion.  That's been my project for the last three days.  Vowed I would not start a new cross stitch until I had completed this one!  So, a final finish - at long last!   (Yippee - I can start a new cross stitch!)

Is it just me, or have you got a project that you've put off finishing?

Love, Liz


Donna G. said…
Lovely piece. I have many projects that I need to finish stitching!
Kim said…
Your sweet cross stitch looks lovely made up as a cushion. Gorgeous the pretty fabric at the top and bottom.
NanaDiana said…
That is really darling. Good for you for finishing up before moving forward. I have a few of those "I need to finish that" projects hanging over my head. xo Diana
Jean said…
It's beautiful. I have many projects I haven't even started!
Lilbitbrit said…
Looks very nice. I know about the now moving on to the next project until one is finished. I like the cushion.
Wow, 20 years! It was well worth the wait, though, even if the back-stitching sounds quite exhausting. But you know what they say about the last mile taking the longest ... xxx
This post reminded me of a hedgehog that I started making for my youngest son, it was never finished and he's 48 years old, lol
He still reminds me of it. ha ha
Pink Rose said…
Hi Liz wow beautiful work my friend,the cushion is so cute xx
Mary said…
YOu freed up a frame and have an adorable finish and can start a new project guilt free! I would say that's a win!
OH, I doubt much would be finished if I didn't blog. It's certainly not my favorite thing to do! Looking forward to seeing what project you stitch next. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever
Sheila said…
It was worth the eight hours backstitching looks beautiful made up into a cushion.

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