Vintage floral plate for spring

I got this vintage plate in a charity shop a few years ago and always bring it out for biscuits and cakes at this time of year.  It is just perfect with its pattern of lovely spring flowers.

Hubby bought me this pretty bunny (instead of an Easter egg)! - I've called her Beatrice, isn't she cute?

These daffodil flower heads had broken off and were lying on the grass in the garden.  Getting a close look made me realise just how intricate they are.

Absolutely wonderful.

Isn't mother nature incredible!

Love, Liz


Julie said…
A lovely Easter gift your new bunny makes.
Very delicate looking plate,it's so pretty.
That plate is so lovely! Perfect for spring!
butterfly said…
I love your plate of blue bells I did find one cup with bluebells on it .
I to have some broken flowers in a pot .
Love your rabbit so cute . Enjoy your day .
Crimson Kettle said…
The daffodils have finished around here but it's still too cold for all the bluebells and tulips to come out en masse. Such a pretty plate.
Rosie said…
Your pretty plate is perfect for this time of year and Beatrice bunny is lovely, a great gift for Easter:)
That vintage plate is perfect for Easter, and how cute is Beatrice! Mother Nature is absolutely incredible, and every flower, however tiny and insignificant, is a work of art. xxx

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