Do you dunk?

Do you dunk your biscuits in your tea?

I only dunk rich tea fingers - don't know why.  Perhaps it's because they are just the right size for dunking!  Bought Nice biscuits at the weekend, but would never think of dunking them, much as I love them!

I've heard some people say that they dunk chocolate digestives in their tea - argh - not for me!  Does anyone dunk biscuits into coffee?  I only ever have the occasional cup of coffee, but wouldn't even think of it!

So, go on ... what kind of biscuits do you dunk?

Love, Liz


I was brought up to dunk and my kids have always done it as well.
I remember an incident once when we visited Tom's sister and Peter our eldest son dunked a biscuit, she was horrified. lol
I think the worst thing about dunking is that you can get through twice as many biscuits without realising it. lol
Maggie said…
Yes I dunk and I dunk all biscuits be they chocolate or not, chocolate malted milk are the best :-) I will dunk in tea or coffee, no preference. Having said all that, I don't buy biscuits very often because of my dunking habit, I could easily get through most of a packet that way!!!
Have you tried the Yorkshire Tea & Biscuit tea? Yeah I thought it sounded wrong, but its actually quite nice.
Jules said…
I never dunk. Then again, I don't have milk on my cereal either. I prefer crunchy. X
Julie said…
I'm not a dunker, used to be but could easily eat a whole packet of biscuits without realising. Getting a bit thicker round the middle, I am more conscious of sweet things.
Here in Belgium, more coffee than tea is being drunk, and the perfect biscuit to "dunk" is speculoos, which you often get with your coffee ... xxx
Kim said…
I always dunk my biscuits in my tea...even Nice ones. =) As for coffee, funnily enough I don't
butterfly said…
Yes I dunk , try chocolate finger biscuits bite off the two ends then suck your coffee up , my girls use to do this all the time and made me do the same.
Definitely a "dunker from down under" lol! All kinds and in both tea and coffee x
Kezzie said…
I dunk rich tea, Hobnobs and digestives in tea but probably not anything else!
Crimson Kettle said…
I didn't used to but have recently started in the early evenings! Just one digestive in tea. 😊
Donna G. said…
I’m a dunker.......both tea and coffee.

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