Knit your man some pants!

Yes, you really could ... if you wanted to!  That is according to this wonderful vintage knitting and crochet magazine "Woolly Comforts".  I think it dates from the early 1930s and was an offshoot of Weldon's Practical Needlework magazine.

Don't they look very scratchy? 
If these knitted pants don't appeal, then how about knitting the man in your life some golf gloves!  Just the thing to impress his golfing buddies.

While the knitted garments might not appeal, there are some very glamorous models.

Even the advertisements are lovely.

My favourite picture of all is the cover girl!  She looks as if she might just be wearing knitted pants!

Love, Liz


Jane said…
I used to joke that I knitted everything for my children, but their nappies! And it was true, I really did. When Donna was a baby I knitted little woollen liberty bodices and they lasted so well James wore them to. I knitted little all-in-ones, like babygrows, but with little hoods too. Donna had pretty knitted coats. They had an abundance of little aran jumpers and cardies. Sirdar Snuggly was really cheap then, but now knitting is getting so expensive, especially if you want decent yarn. Best, Jane :)
50 and counting said…
I’d knit those gloves for my sons. Both are marksmen and hate cold hands on the ranges
mamasmercantile said…
My goodness what great patterns. Such fun to browse them, a big part of social history. I have quite the collection and love to look through them now and again.
Elaine said…
I think knitted underpants would be beyond my skill set, luckily. Oh how some men must have suffered the itchy irritations wearing a pair of those. Lovely old images though.
Crimson Kettle said…
Ha ha hilarious! How we used to live . . . It may come back after Brexit!
The thought of knitted underpants make me quite itchy, but thanks for sharing these delightful images, Liz! xxx
Julie said…
I showed this post to DH. His mum knitted him some swimming trunks as a boy ... he said they weighed 4oz dry but 3 lb wet !!!!

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