They took me a year!

At last some completed knitting projects!  Both, I'm ashamed to say, were started in January 2018 and both were just finished yesterday - a whole year later!

First my pink, grey and black scarf which I started last January to go with a lovely pink winter jacket which had been my Christmas present.  I had hardly done any of it before I abandoned it to the work bag.  However, taking it up again started my renewed pleasure in knitting and I'm glad I got around to finishing it.

The second abandoned project which I found in my knitting bag was half a tea cosy!  Lots of shades of green to used to make this.  Didn't take long to complete the other half.  Have you spotted that it does not yet have a pom-pom?  I've misplaced my pom-pom maker, so may have to go back to the old fashioned way of making pom-poms - two circles cut out of cardboard - remember doing that?

It is very satisfying to complete projects, especially when they have been waiting around for ages to be finished.  Have you got any unfinished work that has been languishing for a while?

Love, Liz


I saw a pompom in Marks and Spencer this morning and it was £3 - I used to love making pompoms - there was something very therapeutic about it and there were no pompom makers back in the sixties.
Megan said…
I know how you feel about finishing a long -left project. I recently finished two tapestry pictures begun in 1992 !! felt great about finishing them (wasn't even that much left to do) but unfortunately the living room I was making them to match the decor of was two houses ago, So now what? don't know why we can't make ourselves just get on with it. But good for you for your perseverance.
mamasmercantile said…
Well done on completing your projects, I have a quilt languishing in a basket that I stared several years ago, one of these days...
Well done on completing your knitting projects, Liz. Better late than never,they say. I love the muted colours of the scarf, and that tea cozy is so much fun. xxx
Margaret said…
My tea cosy is from the same pattern as yours but inherited from my grandmother. The Pom Pom on top always takes so long to dry when th ecosy is washed:-)
50 and counting said…
Totally can relate to the unfinished knitting.

Promised a "Glasgow Rose Stole" to my son's bride. Have until September to finish it! It's a bit challenging but I'm getting there.

Then there is a jacket/cardigan I promised the same woman for Christmas. Lost my knitting mojo when it got too hot to handle the heavy weight of it.

The road to hell is lined with knitting bags filled with half finished work.
Lilly's Mom said…
These are lovely items you've completed. Very pretty. I love the colors in your scarf. Pat
butterfly said…
First up love the name of your blog , and what lovely knitting .
Love the tea cosy .
Jo said…
They're both fabulous and it must feel good to have them off the needles and finished. Yes, I remember making pompoms with cardboard, I'd have to resort to that method again should I wish to make a pompom now as I don't have a pompom maker. Wow, I've just seen your Lego room, how fabulous is that. You're grandsons must be over the moon when they come to stay.
Rosie said…
Great to have completed work on both lovely items. Yes, I remember making pom poms with my Mum round cut out cardboard:)
Such lovely, well done projects! You are very creative!
Jane said…
Hello, I'm Jane and I've just discovered your blog through Poppy Patchwork. I've only been blogging since summer '17, but I love it. I'm a lifelong knitter, being taught by my mum when I was about 5 or 6. I taught myself to crochet last summer and it's my new favourite craft. I remember knitting this very same style of tea cosy in arts and crafts in junior school. I like to dabble in designing my own knitting patterns too. I'm going to have a mosey around your blog now. Best, Jane :)
Julie said…
Two lovely finishes. Hubby asked my if I could whip up one of those tea cosies after he saw one recently on a TV programme we were watching.

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