My temporary kitchen

So, this is my former dining room - now my temporary kitchen.  Dining room table with tea essentials - can't do without my cuppa!  Last Monday work started on my kitchen refit.  Everything was pulled out! 

I have to admit, dear reader, that I "escaped" last Sunday and went to stay with my younger son in Glasgow for the week, leaving Hubby with a freezer full of microwave meals and having to cope with a house full of workmen and deliveries of materials.  He's quite enjoyed himself (probably because I wasn't there).  Not sure how my Son feels, but I had a lovely time with him.  He was out at work all day, so I had his flat to myself and spent some time in Glasgow, as he's just a short bus journey from the city centre.  I even cooked for him - he asked me to make two of his favourite meals while I was there.  It was strange cooking with gas - my cooker is electric.  But I managed fine!

This is how the kitchen looks today.  There's been no water in kitchen for a week - washing machine, fridge, cooker and dishwasher are all in the dining room.  Only the fridge is working.  (The blue is just a protective cover on the units.)

My vintage treasures are all safely packed away and the bunnies have found temporary accommodation in the dining room among the pine cones!

I thought this whole process would be very traumatic and stressful - especially as I am participating in Dry January!!!!!!  But in actual fact, when there is nothing you can do about the situation, it is just a case of getting on and making the best of it!  Of course it helps when you get away for part of it!  Thanks for putting up with me, Son!

Love, Liz


Rosie said…
I remember all the upset and things in unusual places whilst our kitchen was being refitted you sort of become detached from it all. Nice to have an escape from the dust and noise for a while though:)
Jules said…
It looks as though the bunnies are up in arms about the situation. 😊
I'm glad you found an escape, if only for a short time. It will be worth all the upheaval once the work is complete. X
Linda P said…
That was a good plan to go to your son's during the first stage of the makeover. You have a lovely big kitchen which will look great when everything is finished. I hope the plumbing aspect goes smoothly and I look forward to seeing your new kitchen.
I would want to get away too! Anxious to see your finished product.
Crimson Kettle said…
It'll be lovely when it's done! I hope you enjoyed your holiday in Glasgow, what a great idea.
butterfly said…
All the best with your re-fit , I lost it a few times when I had my kitchen done .

I thought it would be done in two weeks well it took more like 6 weeks , I got another fitter in who was just wonderful and so quick .

Have a fun week .
Ali said…
How exciting! In hindsight I wish I'd been brave enough and put in a new kitchen when I first moved in. Maybe in my next one :-)

It will be worth it when it's finished!
NanaDiana said…
I think the real bonus to the kitchen makeover was a week spent with your son. lol That is going to be so nice when all is said and done! I can't wait to see it all finished....and I bet you can't either.
Have a wonderful Sunday- xo Diana
Julie said…
How lovely to spend time with your son, the perfect way to escape from the messy bit and return in good spirits to watch the refurbishment continue.
How very clever of you to go and stay at your son's while your new kitchen is being fitted. I would try not to be around either ... Looking forward to seeing your new, and undoubtedly wonderful, kitchen! xxx
Jane said…
It all looks very exciting! I agree with Jules, you're bunnies do look up in arms! I hope the work is completed quickly then you can enjoy your new kitchen. Best, Jane :)
Christine M said…
It will all be worth it when you have your new kitchen, Liz. I remember having my kitchen plus extending the room many years ago when our boys were little. Unfortunately, one of the boys turned on the microwave and it blew up! They had never touched it before but I suppose the novelty of it being in the centre of the room and lower than normal was too much for their curiosity! Your little bunnies are gorgeous. xx
It is such an amazing space! Those shutters and the fireplace surround! and the old walls! xo Su

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