The comfort of knitting

I'd forgotten just how comforting and relaxing knitting could be.

I started this scarf in January - then put it away unfinished.  Yesterday I looked it out, surprised at how little I had accomplished before I gave up.  I haven't done any knitting since then.  But that has changed!  Sitting this morning in the quiet - just knitting, it occurred to me how peaceful and relaxed I felt. 

My worries, thoughts, dreams, anxieties were all being knit into this scarf, leaving me somehow comforted and feeling much more relaxed.  I had forgotten the peace that comes with creating.  The scarf is far from perfect - just like my life.  But both are works in progress! 



Jo said…
Hi Liz, lovely to see you back here and knitting. Knitting is the best, isn't it? I swear it saved my sanity a few years ago when I was an anxious wreck.
50 and counting said…
I've been knitting as long as I can remember. It's starting to get busy again knitting wise with my younger coworkers starting their families.

My big project will start January 1. I've promises a Shetland wool shawl to my son's bride. Good thing the wedding isn't until September and I have all of February off work.

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