New stitching

I love this moment -  I'm ready to make the first stitch in my new cross stitch.

The pattern has been chosen, threads selected and hoop loaded.

I've chosen a pattern from an old copy of Cross Country Stitching from August 1994.  Can't wait to start!

Love, Liz


Very fun... I love the butterfly below... So pretty... Have a wonderful week, and thank you for your sweet visit. xoox Su
mamasmercantile said…
Exciting times, always a thrill to start a new project.
Anonymous said…
It's always exciting starting a new project,and this looks like fun.
I love the thrill of starting a new project! xxx
How fun! I love cross stitch! I did many pieces years ago when my hands were young. Enjoy the journey!
Linda P said…
Enjoy your new stitching project. Keep warm if the snow comes! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Wishing you a happy new year and all the best!
Daisy Debs said…
Oh ! I used to get those magazines sent from America and my husband had to ring and pay over the phone ..and it was a right pain ..nowadays , we can pay for things so easily now cant we ? But I SO looked forward to that mag coming in the post !

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