Monkey Puzzles

I took this photograph this morning.  Where do you think I was?  Some exotic island paradise -enjoying tropical beaches and sunshine?

Actually the photograph was taken up at Greenock Cemetery!  There are a lot of these monkey puzzle trees there.

Although cold, it is a lovely bright winter day here in Greenock.  There was just enough of a lingering mist to make some areas look a bit spooky.  I was doing a bit of research for my other blog The Greenockian, thus my reason for a cemetery visit.

How are you spending your weekend?

Love, Liz


Mac n' Janet said...

Love Monkey Puzzle trees, so weird and your photos catch that.

mamasmercantile said...

That last photo Liz looked as if it had come from a film set.

Jan said...

I've always wondered what a Monkey Puzzle tree looked like. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz ,lovely trees,i hadnt seen those sort before.
Hope you have a lovely time researching.
We are meeting up with family today and i also hope to get a bit of sewing done xx

sweetbriardreams said...

Ah the Monkey Puzzle tree! These used to fill me with dread when walking towards to them with my Mum when younger. She used to say to me and my brothers that if you don't keep quiet while walking under one, then a monkey will come down and take you away. I STILL keep quiet when passing under them :) Have a great weekend xx

Polyester Princess said...

Love the spooky cemetary photos! xxx

Julie said...

You don't see them much anymore, they used to be so much more popular when I was a child

Beth said...

Wonderful evocative photos.

Meggie said...

Enjoyed the photos, but especially like the last one.

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