Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Helensburgh

I was in Helensburgh (across the River Clyde from Greenock) last weekend, just taking photos as I usually do.  A wee lady came up to me and said that if I wanted photographs of an interesting building then I should have a look at the architecture above the shop M&Co on Sinclair Street in the town as it was thought to be by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.  That certainly got my attention, so I had a good look - and what an amazing building it is. 

The red sandstone building has a wealth of interesting architectural details.  Here's St Andrew, Scotland's patron saint.

It was once Helensburgh Conservative Club and designed by Honeyman and Keppie.  Mackintosh worked there in the 1890s.  You can read details of his association with the building at the University of Glasgow, Mackintosh Architecture site here - it has a wealth of information (with all the architectural jargon) as well as some pictures of the inside of the building which is just as interesting.

Mackintosh's Hill House (National Trust for Scotland) is also in Helensburgh.  Must visit there some day.


So, many thanks to the lady who pointed out this building to me - just shows that it pays to look up - you never know what you'll discover!


Frances said...

What a treat to see this post! I am a great Macintosh fan and would love to see this Helensburgh building. Having the links that you've shared here will also be a great pleasure to visit! Thank you so much. Looking up is a grand habit! Kind, generous local folks who will share their area's riches are also grand. (I try to be that sort of person when I encounter visitors to NYC who seem to be lost, or ... as in your experience, just happen to be near something interesting that they might not otherwise know about. Fantastic! xo

Mac n' Janet said...

Lucky you to have seen such an interesting building.

Vintagelady5776 said...

I wish they still made beautiful buildings like this.

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