Lovely cook book

I hardly knew how to boil an egg when I got married many years ago - but this fabulous cook book helped me a lot.  I also loved it because of the fabulous colour pictures and illustrations.

It is the Hamlyn All in One Cook Book first published in 1976.  The illustrations are by Robin Laurie - aren't they great!

It also has lots of photographs as well as step by step guides to choosing ingredients and very easy to follow recipes.

Always came to my rescue when I was having friends round for dinner and wanted something a wee bit special.

Do you have a favourite recipe book?

Love Liz


Heidi Ann said...

I've never seen this cookbook before and I love it! Thank you for sharing it; I will have to try and see if I can find a copy some day.

Lynne said...

Looks like such a fun recipe book . . .
I have more than one recipe book that would call favorite . . .
Non as colorful as yours . . .

Amy at love made my home said...

Wow, what a fabulous book! I love books like this, the illustrations are always wonderful and the recipes are so fun to look at too! xx

Lilly's Mom said...

I loved seeing this vintage cookbook. It brought back great memories of that time as I too got married in the mic 70's. But, luckily it doesn't feel that long ago :) Have a wonderful day (evening), Pat xx

Janet said...

What lovely illustrations. They would certainly inspire me to get cooking.

Halo Hasta said...

I love the illustrations on that book :)))

janice15 said...

well one sunset cookbooks helped me a lot as well.. Ur illustrations are lovely. Hope your new week is going well. With love Janice

Unknown said...

What a lovely cook book! I have a vintage one from Carnation Instant milk that I loved as a kid, and I still love looking at the illustrations. :)

Deanies Stash said...

Love the illustrations! A fun cookbook can really help inspire!

Hugs, Dianne

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Neat cooking book, so nostalgic now. xoxo Su

flowers on my table said...

Hi Liz,
how wonderful that you still have it. I wonder if my mum had this as the cover looks familiar. The illustrations are very colourful. Have a lovely day, Linda x

Julie said...

A lovely and colourful book, I have an original Bero book that belonged to my nan and has her writing in it from where she has adapted a recipe and made it her own.

Unknown said...

Its a beautiful looking book.
Fondly Michelle

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Fab illustrations - I also have one that lists a sample menu for a teenage party, I think it's a Sainsbury's series from the 80s. My Mum and Mother in Law both had them and now I use them. I was a bit of an odd child and enjoyed reading cookery books - another favourite was a Readers Digest one called 'Farmhouse Cookery, recipes from the country kitchen'. It was a big hardback and I especially liked the chapter on making your own sweets!

Curtise said...

What amazing illustrations! I am often drawn to cook books, but then end up making just a few recipes again and again and ignoring all the others, so I made myself stop buying them! Xx

On The Green said...

A super colourful cookbook. I do like a browse through a cookbook and in my teens made up two cook scrap books, one sweet and one savoury. Unfortunately I still like looking at the books rather than doing the cooking. Happily my husband likes to cook!

Sadie said...

such a pretty and colourful book, I'm not surprised you love it so much.

I tend to go to the Hairy Bikers Mum Knows Best book when I need certain things, like a really good gravy in a pie. Their gravy for their meatballs recipe is fantastic. Really easy, super tasty, and works brilliantly every time. That, and an After Tea book with a Victoria sponge recipe that always works for me, are the two books I use most. Which is sad really, I have a lot.

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