Kill or cure?

I love old advertisements.  No health and safety issues with these three!

Poor lassie!  Love the non-poisonous in brackets!  Notice that there is mention of a poisonous powder dip.  Seemingly it contained arsenic.

Then there's this vintage advert for Concrete Football Boots!  Ouch, painful!

But best of all is this - Moarn's Magnetic Belt and Invigorator
Seems to be a cure-all for just about everything, including constipation and lumbago.  I love the fact that there are "Special Appliances for the Working Classes"!  Perhaps they didn't need as much invigorating!  Not sure I'd like to be standing next to someone wearing one of these!
Hope you are having a good weekend.

Love, Liz


Janet said...

That invigorator belt sounds just the thing for this time of the year! Can you get one in pink?

Lynne said...

Fun post . . .
I'd like to try one of those inviorgating magnetic belts!

Kezzie said...

They are hilarious!!! I too love old adverts! So amusing!

Amy at love made my home said...

My goodness, they certainly had some odd ideas didn't they! Although no doubt our ideas will be looked back on as being odd too! xx

Mac n' Janet said...

Great old advertising signs. Even some of those from when I was a kid are pretty funny to us now.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Funny advertisements. That magnetic belt is interesting. xoxo Su

mamasmercantile said...

Great signs, they certainly made me smile.

Elizabeth said...

These are wonderful, Liz.
The belt sounds mighty useful!
Greetings from snowy New York.

Jo said...

They're great, aren't they? Love that last one, a cure for all.

Julie said...

Makes you wonder how folks survived!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

I think I may have prefered to suffer in silence than ever take the risk Liz but they are definitely entertaining to read today....thank goodness for progress :-) and I love the first image!
Susan x

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