The invisible authors!

I went on a bit of a jaunt yesterday.  I travelled from Greenock to Stirling - two and a half hours and two buses.  It was a typical rainy November day - but I had an event to attend at Stirling Castle.
Historic Scotland (of which I'm a member) were hosting an author event for Scottish Book Week. My favourite author Diana Gabaldon and the Scottish archaeologist Neil Oliver were to be speaking.  I was really looking forward to it.  The event was held in the great hall of Stirling Castle - it was beautiful.  There were candles and a lovely Christmas tree.  The wooden ceiling is amazing to look at ................ just as well - because it was the only thing I could see.

I was sitting about a third of the way back and here's my view - the back of other people's heads.

Yes, Diana and Neil are there ..... somewhere!
The authors were sitting on a tiny dais - I'm sure only the first few rows could actually see them! There wasn't even a screen behind them that we could look at!  I have no idea who the woman leading the "discussion" was - haven't a clue what she looked like.

So what did these two authors have in common ... well ... errr!?  Diana Gabaldon's books are set in the 18th century..  I hadn't even realised that Neil Oliver had written a work of fiction, but it seeming is set in the 15th century and deals with the fall of Constantinople. So lots in common then?!

Diana Gabaldon at Waterstones last year.
A very disappointing evening followed by the long trek home.  Really a waste of time.  Enjoyed seeing and listening to Diana Gabaldon at Waterstones in Glasgow last summer - now that was a worthwhile event.  Sorry for the long moan - but you know how it is when you have a major disappointment.  Perhaps Historic Scotland could try and make their guest speakers a bit more visible to those of us who have paid for the privilege of seeing them!

Love, Liz


Mac n' Janet said...

I love Diana's books and I certainly would have been disappointed if I had been there. Sounds like it wasn't very well organized.

mamasmercantile said...

How disappointing, such a shame to have gone all that way. I am a great fan of Neil Oliver but didn't realise he had written a fiction book either.

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