History in a bottle

Over the years I've collected a number of vintage bottles.  This is my favourite - a ginger beer bottle.

W Pearce & Son of Innerleithen, Peeblesshire were aerated water manufacturers.  William Pearce used the waters of St Ronan's Well in Innerleithen (click link to read more about the Pearce family). St Ronan's Well is a historic spa and Sir Walter Scott wrote a novel of that name.

The company moved to Morningside.  Interesting to see the motto "ne plus ultra" on the bottle.

The second stone bottle has the name Burns Dockhead Dumfries on it.  I think this may refer to John Burns, another aerated water manufacturer who had premises at Dockhead in Dumfries.

I really love the pale colours of this bottle.

My third bottle is made of thick green glass and is for Younger of Alloa a very famous Scottish brewing company.

George Younger & Son were brewers in Alloa.  The family started brewing as early as 1746!

Quite a bit of history in these bottles.

Love, Liz


Vintage Jane said…
I love old bottles like these and have several with names on that are local to us. M x
CraveCute said…
Love the Bottles! The Ginger beer bottle is so fabulous, they don't make them like they used to! Plus I love Ginger Beer itself, haha! Thanks for sharing your fabulous finds with us. I enjoy browsing through your blog!
mamasmercantile said…
What a wonderful collection, I love the ginger beer bottle.
Daisy Debs said…
Long ago, before our children were born , we used to go digging at an old Victorian rubbish dump ,secret location in Kent, hee hee ! We'd find all sorts of wonderful treasure buried there ...bottles , pots , limbs and sometimes heads of china dolls and beautiful pot lids . We had such fun ! Thankyou for bringing back happy memories . You have a lovely collection there : )
Mac n' Janet said…
My husband collects bottles too, yours are gorgeous, particularly the first one.
Flissie said…
How lovely to read your story of your favourite bottles and find that the stone one is from my ancestors drinks factory - Wm Pearce. Thank you

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