To see ourselves as other see us

On my recent trip to York I spotted this pub sign for the Burns Hotel.

Burns (Scotland's national poet) is reflected in the window and it reminded me of some of the words from his famous poem "To A Louse" -
O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
You can read the rest of the poem at the BBC website and hear it read by the actor Robert Carlyle.
Joining with Weekend Reflections.

Love, Liz


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

A marvellous reflection shot. Have a great weekend.

Fun60 said...

Seems to be looking at himself in a mirror.

Мелкота said...

Good idea for reflection

marsha said...

wow- what a great reflection

ak_ut said...

great - reflection and poem :-) said...

Amazing reflection!

orvokki said...

Nice reflection. His gaze direction is correct :D

Viera said...

you captured fantastic reflection...great shot

NatureFootstep said...

true, that is why we never really recognize ourselves on photos.

flowers on my table said...

Aw thanks for that Liz, my Dad loved Rabbie Burns. I love your arty farty photo too! Love Linda xx

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