Big Time Wonder Books

Found a couple of boxes of books in the cupboard recently.  These from the "Big Time Wonder Book Read With Me" series brought back some lovely memories.  They were such favourites - just the right length for a bedtime story and full of wonderful illustrations.

My all time favourite is "My First Book" beautifully illustrated by Valerie Hodge and Roger Hall.

So sweet!

My sons' favourite was "Crazy Little Car" illustrated by Hilda Boswell.

Others are - Fairy Tales illustrated by Hilda Boswell

"Fairies and Giants" and "Pixieland Rhymes" both illustrated by Rene Cloke.  All the books were printed in the UK for the publisher Peter Haddock Ltd, Bridlington, William Collins Sons & Co Ltd.

Another beautiful little book - "a b c and counting book" illustrated by Jeanne Farrar.

I think these are so lovely!

Love, Liz


Mac n' Janet said…
What fabulous illustrations.
Alpa said…
I don't think I've commented before, but I absolutely LOVE your blog. It just reminds me of times gone by (or maybe I just have a really old soul haha)! I love seeing all the places you go and things you find! These illustrations just take me back to simpler times when things were not so hurried :-)
Unknown said…
These are sweet!
Unknown said…
These books are beautiful, my girls find such joy in the bright pages of the couple of Wonder books we own.
Fondly Michelle
Linda said…
I just love those illustrations - the colours are so vibrant. xxx
Robyn of Oz said…
I adore your old books! They are so sweet. There is something about those old illustrations.
There's plenty of great modern illustrators, but I guess these speak to me because of their era : it's mine too. :)
Thanks for the share.

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