Beano Bonanza

Whenever I see an old fashioned Beano comic it remind me so much of my childhood.

Every week I would get the Beano and my brother would get the Dandy.  They were delivered by the Co-op newsagent on a particular afternoon (I think it was a Wednesday) along with our evening paper.  My brother and I would wait patiently at the door for the paper boy to come along.

We read our comics immediately, but didn't swap till the next day - well, they had to be read all over again in bed that night!  Sometimes Dad would read his favourite parts to us - that was a great treat because he made up silly voices for the characters.  We loved that!  My favourites were the Bash Street Kids - I thought they were so naughty!

My own sons also read the Beano and Dandy - these are theirs from the 1990s.  Don't have any really old editions.  I have a large box of them and can't bring myself to throw them out.  Beano is still published by D C Thomson.

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said...

A blast from the past and reminded me of my own childhood with the Beano and Dandy comics. Shame we didn't have the forethought to keep them.

jenann said...

I remember the very distinctive smell of these newprint paper comics. The weekly treat - comics and a few sweeties. Great memories!

50 and counting said...

I remember going to the news agents to pick up my comic it involved Lady Penelope from the Thunderbirds.

Then Dad would buy a small block of icecream and a chocolate flake. Treat for the week. No fridge in those days, so the ice cream was eaten when we got home.

Unknown said...

Hi Liz. a trip down memory lane. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day.

C Carter said...

Gosh you brought back memories! I used to go and stay with my Auntie up in the Wirral. Her son was away in the Falklands so I used to stay in his room, and spend hours reading all his Beanos!
There was a gang of us at school, who had the nicknames 'Dennis', 'Menace' and 'Gnasher' - I'm forty now and my best friend still calls me Menace! She keeps apologising but says it's what she has always known me as, she even says to her kids "it's Auntie Menace on the phone"! Xx

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