As Seen On ... Waterloo Road!

Do any of you watch the BBC drama Waterloo Road?  If you do - then look carefully next time there is a scene set in the staff room and you might see this -

Yes - it's one of my tea cosies!

Waterloo Road was filmed in Greenock, although they no longer film here.  But while they were here I sent along a tea cosy I had knit in Waterloo Road colours.  Imagine how delighted I was to see in on my telly!

Fame - at last!!!!!

Love, Liz


Vix said...

I've never seen the programme but I'm thrilled for you! Well done. xxx

Crafty in the Med said...

Wow!!! incredible!!! and why not that tea cosy is a beaut!!!!

Fame at last Liz LOL!!!

keep well

Amanda x

Deb said...

Congratulations. And it's beautiful. Deb

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

That's genuinely exciting! xx

gillyflower said...

Oh my goodness how exciting for you! I bet you were chuffed to bits to see it in all its stripy glory!
gill xx

mamasmercantile said...

Congratulations, a wonderful claim to fame, I love the tea cosy.

Gwen said...

Oh how wonderful!! Maybe we will even see one some day on "Downton Abbey!"

Mum said...


Kezzie said...

Liz, that's super!!!! Well done to you!!! X

Scarlet said...

That's fabulous! Well done!

Rose H (UK) said...

Yay, go Liz!
Rose H

jenann said...

I tried so hard to get the staff at the schools I taught in to use a teapot and cosy, but the dreaded urn held sway. Tea just isn't the same made that way. Oh, how I love my little Brown Betty and larger Stripey Sue pots and each has her own cosy to dress in. I'd love a new one though as the one pot Betty's is at least 60 years old and just about worn through, so will contact you soon, if that is OK?

Claire said...

wow!! well done you! I would have just about peed myself! lol!

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