Vintage Queen Anne

This unusual shaped dish is in the Queen Ann pattern by Royal Winton.

Can I share a secret ... there's something I really don't like about this dish.

I bought it for a few pounds about 25 years ago when I got my first Welsh dresser and for a while it took pride of place on it.  But ... eventually it ended up in a drawer because I grew to dislike it.  I have another plate in the same pattern which I like a lot!  Very strange, because this one has all the right ingredients to be something that I should love - vintage, lovely sort of cross stitch pattern, floral, beautiful colours - and yet ....!

Do you have anything that you don't really like but don't know why?

Love, Liz


gillyflower said…
Sometimes there's no rhyme nor reason why we like or dislike a thing!
I think it's very pretty, and you must have liked it at one time, maybe it will grow on you again displayed somewhere differently with different objects, a fresh take on it?
Gill xx
Very, very pretty.....great shape too! :) x
Meggie said…
A funny thing...I get the same feeling about it. With me, when I think about cross stitch, I think of fabric. I would probably like it better, if it had some white spaces in the pattern.
What a find, its lovely! Heidi
I think over time I have disliked a lot of items I purchased ,that is why I have a yard sale every year.
I like your cross stitch pattern dish, I have seen them before around here at sales
Vix said…
I've learnt to trust my gut instinct when I'm charity shopping - I walk round with it for a bit and then put it back if I'm undecided! x
Riitta Sinikka said…
♥ so beautiful! Happy day, my friend! xxx Riitta
Curtise said…
Oh, I am feeling a bit sorry for that poor plate now, all unloved and hidden away! I really like it! xxx
Mum said…
My mum had something similar which I inherited but I don't like the design either. I think it's the squares that detract from the flowers which seem to be too stylised and unreal. We can't like everything, can we? I went out with friends today to a cafe that had mis-matched china and I loved all the plates, cups and saucers on our table bar one. Funny.
Love from Mum
Rachael said…
Yes I was thinking it reminded me of some of the early styles for cross stitching patterns, particularly the work of Ann Orr. Knowing me i'd be sat looking at it and cross stitching it's pattern out haha!
I do remember taking a dislike to my mums small collection of coronation mugs when I was younger. Mind you I was at the age where I thought I would decorate my first house in beige the walls furniture the lot!That changed over the years & I also have my own collection of coronation mugs, in fact quite a huge collection.
50 and counting said…
Reminds me of a Royal Albert pattern.

What I find strange (sorry) about your dish is it appears to be all white on the outside, so that when you are sitting looking at it, it's plain. the pattern would be hidden by whatever you place in it.

Could this be it?
Jumble Tree said…
what a shame! Looks rather pretty, but I know what you mean - I have a coffee set that's perfectly lovely -fine china and not overly fussy, but just doesn't do it for me! Tastes change too I suppose x
sky-blu-pink said…
I have a tea tin in a similar faux-cross stitch design which I really like. It usually works the other way for me, I think I don't absolutely love something, I don't buy it, regret it and then it's not there when I go back because someone else loved it more!
Unknown said…
Yes! My kitchen! :) Although I do know why! It needs decorating badly! :)Wishing you a lovely weekend! :0)
Unknown said…
In fact I there's something I don't like: the weather here in Belgium.

Love your Queen Anne!
Unknown said…
Maybe you'll bring it out the cupboard in five years and absolutely love it again! It's funny how tastes change for no apparent reason isn't it? x
Aw poor little dish, I think it's lovely.

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