Gingham Style

I recently made these two little gingham wall hangings.

I always think that gingham is so fresh.  I like sewing with gingham because it helps me to sew straight lines!

Now I just have to make a little hanger to put them on.

Love, Liz


Fiona said…
Ha ha, me too. Any curtains have to be on checked fabric otherwise the stitching is a straight as a dogs hind leg.
You had me at Gingham Style! They are so sweet and I love the big stitching on them.
Mum said…
Sorry, but gingham is not for me because it reminds me too much of school in Domestic Science where we had to make an apron and cap out of same. Your wall hangings are very pretty though.
Love from Mum
Little Nell said…
That's true, but it doesn't help with hearts - asvI found to my cost when I did heart shaped appliqué on my granddaughter's dress! These look very fresh and 'country-style'.
sky-blu-pink said…
So pretty, and great contrasts
Anne said…
I love gingham! The wallhangings are fab.
RedSetter said…
Totally with you in loving fabric with the lines already drawn on!
Amanda Peters said…
I to love Gingham there is some thing so clean and fresh about the fabric, and any thing you make looks good in a bit of Gingham.
Love you little heart hangings..
Amanda xx
Annie Cholewa said…
Pretty things :) The first thing I ever sewed was in gingham - a peg bag for my Mum ... thank you for prompting a happy memory :)
I love gingham too, it always looks cheerful. I made my first pair of curtains out of gingham. You wall hangings look great
They are very pretty and will look lovely hanging up I am sure!! xx
Is there anything sweeter than gingham? Lovely little creations! xo Karen
Curtise said…
So sweet, there is something very wholesome and fresh about gingham. xxx

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