Outlander Books - TV Series Trailer

I know many of you, like me, are fans of Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series of books.  Well, there's good news!

The trailer for the TV series (Starz Network)is now available on Diana's site here or on YouTube.  Looks fabulous!

Talking of all things Scottish - watch this space!!!!!  There's a special event coming up on 25 January - its Burns Night.  But there's going to be a bloggy event too!  More details tomorrow!!!!!

Love, Liz


I had no idea there was going to be a series. I will have to look into that. I am looking forward to the movie coming out this year. I read the series years ago but am enjoying my re-read now. In fact, it is so snowy and cold today that my college classes were cancelled so I think I shall finish up Outlander cuddled on the sofa today.
What a good idea - enjoy your day!
Paulette said…
I am not aware of this author or series of books, but I am anxious to go to the library and pick one up. I am a fan of historical fiction, thanks for the recommendation.
Elizabeth said…
Happy New Year!
I'm still rely enjoying my lovely tea cosy!
I watched the trailer! It looks so good :-)
I wonder if the TV series will air here in North America too? I read the first few books and then sort of lost interest. I'll be on the watchout for your Robbie Burns celebrations ;) Wendy x
two squirrels said…
That's great news, it's a fantastic series of books........thank for telling us sweet.
Love v
gillyflower said…
Oh your bloggy Burns Night sounds intriguing!
Erna said…
Love the books and the trailer looks great...can't wait...
I have been keeping up with the news about this series...I can hardly wait!!
hello Liz

Going to whizz over to have a look at the trailer! I have DGs Outlander books and I thoroughly enjoyed them so a series sounds quite exciting. Just hope they eventually get them over here on Spanish TV!

keep well

Amanda :-)
Unknown said…
Hi Liz! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment. Hope you're having a lovely week. Enjoy!

Marion x
Patricia said…
The book looks good, must look out for it. Our friends are hosting a Burns night dinner on Saturday which we're looking forward to. x
sky-blu-pink said…
Got the Haggis ready for Burns Night !(McSween's vegetarian version)

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