Got the Knitting Bug Back!

Got some lovely knitting yarn at the weekend and started on a little cardigan (for a very special boy).

The yarn has subtle flecks and is great to knit with.

Thank goodness I've got the knitting bug back!

Love, Liz


Deborah said…
Gorgeous colours and love the fleck, one lucky little boy me thinks

Bee happy x
Mum said…
Up and away - not stopping you now.
Love from Mum
Anne said…
I love yarns like that as they make me knit faster. I want to get to the next bit of red or blue or yellow etc. Fun! :o)
Vix said…
Fab colour combo! x
Anonymous said…
I love flecky yarn!
gilly said…
Yay for the knitting bug!
That flecked yarn is lovely,
Curtise said…
Lovely colours. Perhaps you just needed a break, and now you've got your knitting groove back! xxx
Anne said…
I love those colours and I love to knit. I am on a crocheting phase at the moment though but I am contemplating knitting some christmas ornaments for the tree.
sky-blu-pink said…
Nice wool. I am knitting again too, after not doing any during the summer, little stripey stockings for our School Christmas fayre.

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