A Post About Nothing Much

I had a wander round the local charity shops this morning and bought absolutely nothing!  Everything on offer was absolute tat, either that or I'm losing my eye for a bargain!

I did see a book that had been on my "to read" list for a while in one charity shop.  I looked for prices and saw that it was

4 books for £1.99

Didn't see any other books that I fancied, so I asked the woman behind the counter how much it would be for just one book.  Her reply amazed me.  She told me that it was £1.99 whether you bought one book or four!!!!  Is it me?????

I had been prepared to offer £1, but I walked away empty handed.  Hope your day was more successful.

Love, Liz


gillyflower said…
What a strange attitude from the shop - you think they would be glad of a sale.
Our charity shops in the SE of England tend to be over priced now which makes you think twice about buying - in some you would pay £1.99 for one book now anyway.
Gill xx
Fiona said…
I'd have walked away too...ridiculous price! I recently went to a jumble sale where they had an excellent selection of books at 20p for paperbacks and 50p for hardbacks. As you can imagine I bought a few.
Was it Cross Stitch that you left behind?...borrow it from the library, it is such a good series....
Curtise said…
No, it's not just you - that's bonkers! I think some charity shops have forgotten, or misunderstood, what they are all about. xxx
Vix said…
Was that Barnardos? x
The photo is of my own bookshelf (well, one of them). I love the Diana Gabaldon - Cross Stitch series!
Ruth Kelly said…
I would think that they would be more accommodating and sell regardless of how many.
Mum said…
We have 4 books for a pound at our shop. That works out at one book for 25p. Simple division!
Love from Mum
Amanda Peters said…
Strange but true, go with no money and there is always something there that you realy want.....
Patricia said…
I think a lot of charity shops are putting up their prices generally in view of all the interest of anything vintage or retro looking. Even books are slowly creeping up. It's a shame but guess its a sign of the times.
Patricia x
Anne said…
What a daft attitude! You'd think they'd be glad to make a sale!
Alison said…
That's just rediculous, what a shame. Unless I see a book that I really want to keep, I won't buy them now, I just get them from the library. I'm saving lots of money and space on my bookshelf.
I guess they didn't want the sale very badly! Diana Gabaldon is my favorite author...
Pleased to have found someone else who loves that Diana Gabaldon series as much as me! x
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh sorry to hear that! I have had fab luck at charity shops recently. Hope our next trip is more fruitful.....

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