Sunny Days!

It is a lovely sunny day here in Greenock - hope the sun is shining where you are too.

Found some lovely little summery scraps.

So cute!

We called them motto(e)s when I was young and we swapped them if we had doubles.
This one reminded me of this little song -

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.
So she phoned for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and his hat
And he knocked at the door with a rat a tat tat.
He looked at the dolly and he shook his head
And he said "Miss Polly send her straight to bed".
He wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill.
"I'll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill". 

For some strange and warped reason, I remembered the sixth line as -
And he said "Miss Polly she will soon be dead"!
How awful is that?  I was very relieved that they weren't the correct words!

Love, Liz


ButterandBuntings said...

Haha yes thank goodness thats not the real words! Very cute scraps! xx

Vintage Jane said...

The scraps are lovely.
My son used to sing that rhyme at nursery!
M x

thriftwood said...

Oh Liz, those are the vey words I always think too! When I used to ate my children t toddler groups I had to be careful that I said the right words ...

Enjoy the sunshine!

Love Claire

fabriquefantastique said...

I remember that too.,,,
Pleased you revived this memory

June said...

When I was young about five ish the song Yellow Submarine was played on the radio and I thought it said Yellow Tamborine - let's sing together now - We all live in a Yellow Tambourine, a Yellow Tambourine ...
P.S. Love the scraps.

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

Actually if you looked too closely at some of the origins of our nursery rhymes your hair would stand on end! :) x

The Faerie Factory said...

Such cute scraps .... I remember the rhyme too. Sarah x

Plain Jane said...

That song has taken me right back to when the girls were young - oh dear I think it's stuck on repeat now. It's funny how the wrong words stick - I still discover that I have remembered the wrong words to many a song from my childhood - oh well we live and learn! Jane x

Vix said...

So sweet! Thanks for sharing. x

Annie Cholewa said...

Brilliant! I'd forgotten all about that song. And I'm sure we used to sing bed or dead depending on our mood!

sky-blu-pink said...

My mother used to sing me that song, and I learn to read with it! Tiger have pretty scraps, I bought some not long ago, wonderful nostalgia!

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