Pretty Vintage Jug

Here's another of my weekend finds - a pretty little vintage glass jug.

It has a lovely floral pattern which just matches some glasses I've found over the last year or so.


I think it would be nice as a water jug for whisky or as an individual jug for cream.

 I've also finished the little crochet granny square baby blanket I started ages ago!

Joining Nifty Thrifty at A Living Space - come on over!

Love, Liz


The Faerie Factory said...

Both so pretty :)

bellaboo said...

I LOVE your jug! I saw some little dishes in the antique shop at the weekend which were very similar,and I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy them now!

Bellaboo X

Vix said...

Your blanket is a beauty! You are clever. x

Patricia said...

Oh so pretty and the baby blanket is just gorgeous.
Patricia x said...

Always a real pleasure to read about your latest find, the jug is very pretty and unusual. Ann x

Anonymous said...

A pretty find and a gorgeous red white and blue baby blanket....glad you did finish it. XD

Vanessa said...

I LOVE the clear flower glasses. So beautiful!

Plain Jane said...

What a pretty jug - I've seen small glasses that match on my second hand trips but never know how I would use them - a nip of whisky sounds just perfect! Jane x

Curtise said...

Lovely blanket, and I have some small tumblers with the same floral pattern as your jug, so pretty! xxx

Anna @ Miss Beatrix said...

Oh, I've never seen such a pretty jug! And there are so many lovely crochet blankets reaching completion in the blogosphere that I am quite jealous - must get around to having a bash at one of my own. x

Robyn of Oz said...

That jug is just lovely and your blanket has turned out beautifully. I love your different sized squares. I hope the recipients appreciate all your hard work. :)

Emma Kate at Paint and Style said...

Your blanket production is awesome. The jug is soo pretty! x

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