Pretty Vintage Cake Plate

This is one of the first vintage items I ever bought - many, many years ago!  Of course it wasn't called vintage then - just "old fashioned".

Its a lovely square art deco-ish cake stand with bakelite handle and two etched glass plates.  I really should have baked some cakes to make it look better in the photographs.

I love the shape of it.  It has some strange markings on one of the metal parts - have no idea what it means - maker's mark perhaps?  Surprised that I haven't blogged about it before - I suppose I've had it so long that its always been there.

What was your first vintage buy?

 Love, Liz

True to form - its the first day of the school holidays here in Greenock and its raining!!!!


Jem said...

I haven't seen a cake stand in a square shape before that wasn't a modern stainless steel number, this is lovely! I can see why you're so attached! :-)

Jem xXx

Deborah said...

Beautiful cake stand, if you bring the cake stand I'll bring the teaspoons for afternoon tea :)

Bee happy x

Mum said...

What a brilliant shape - can't help with the markings.
Love from Mum

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Hi Liz, it's nice to meet you! I love your pretty header on your blog. I've always wanted to go to Scotland. We went to Ireland several years ago and loved it.
Your cake stand is so pretty. I love to knit and crochet, too, but love crocheting more.
I'm your newest follower *_*

Allison said...

ive never seen one like it...its a beauty. Al x

Unknown said...

Very pretty!

Sarah xxx

The Faerie Factory said...

Wow that's gorgeous such plain and simple lines ~ Sarah x

Curtise said...

What a very elegant piece, it's beautiful.
Btw, I loved the illustrations in your last two posts (just catching up).
First vintage buy? Heavens, can't recall - probably some 1950s clothing when I was a teenage student. Wish I still had those cocktail dresses, but sadly they are long gone... xxx

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such a wonderful shape. I bet you have found some wonderful treasure. From your newest follower, Linda

Curtains in My Tree said...

I do remember my first purchase, it was a blue crock bowl with roses on the inside of the bowl I still have it

I gave 10 cents for it at a yard sale out in the country where I lived in Symsonia Kentucky 1975

Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

Wow, very cool cake stand. I love teh shape and glass.
The first vintage item I remember buying was an unusual teapot.I had just started college. I remember I was with my grandma, so it was long long ago. I had to be about 18-19 or younger. We were at a big flea market. It was an Italian Vietri teapot. Yellow with a ram. Then, in my forties, in the town I now live, I found a big plate/platter that matched.

sky-blu-pink said...

So unusual, very Modernist. You will need some pretty eccentric looking cakes if they are not to look plain compared!

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