Restless ....

There are crochet granny squares to finish ...

There's knitting to be done ...

How about I get on with this cross stitch ...

Don't know what's wrong today, just can't settle to anything!  I'm restless, searching the cupboards for chocolate.  Perhaps there's something nice in the freezer ... nope!  There's housework to be done, lots of it.  There's painting I could be getting on with, can't be bothered.

Don't want to stay in, but its raining again here in Greenock and I don't want to go out either.  I don't drive so I'll get soaked, its really pouring.
Is it just me?
Restless ..........
Love, Liz


Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Oh I really don't like feeling like that, can't settle to anything, nothing sparks your fancy. Hope your day improves and something captures you... and the rain eases off :) xx

Evangelines Jumble of ideas said...

Sorry your feeling out of sorts it will pass. We all get like it at times just put the kettle on and settle down to a good book, all that other stuff can wait. Cheer up :)

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

It's raining here today and as much as I know the garden needs it I was sooo hoping to set some seeds! :) x

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

No, it's not just you. I regularly get those days. It'll pass. Raining? Oh noooo. xx

Knit, Natter, Nature, Nurture said...

Hi Liz - No it's not just you - I get too many days like this - but then suddenly on another day - all is right with the world and I can get on with everything! Ruth

Vintage Jane said...

Oh dear Liz! I'm blaming it all on the unpredictable weather! We're all in limbo waiting for summer.
Chocolate could be the answer you know, failing that - do you have any cake! M x

susan said...

No, my lovely, it's me too!
1. nearly born babies to finish blankets for - nope.
2. early spring neck cosy and wristlets required asap - nope.
3. housework - definitely nope nope nope.
4. chocolate - always
5. writing letters/making appointments/having blood tests - again nope.
6. reading lovely blogs and commenting - oh go on then! (I have lost hours doing this).
7. the doileys I promised a friend - sigh
Staring out of the window works for me sometimes.......
Susan x

Everydaythings said...

it was pouring here today really hard, and I felt kind of restless too, only you did do something creative, I spent (wasted) time online! love those squares!!!

Jem said...

I've been so restless lately I can barely stick to anything for more than 5 minutes, it's a real annoyance so I hope your bout passes soon - also hope the sun gets his hat on round your way too!

Jem xXx

Ellie Foster said...

Dear Liz
No, it's not just you and I think we all have days like this - loads of things we could or should do, but don't feel like doing. Don't worry about it - as my husband would say, "just have a day off!"
Best wishes

The Faerie Factory said...

No not just you, have been unable to settle for a few weeks now and my crafting mojo has completely disappeared. Hopefully all will be well again soon ... Sarah x

Mrs. H said...

No Liz it's not just you I have been feeling this way for weeks now. I have hardly blogged and seem to be getting nowhere fast.
Must be something in the water!

take care
: )

Mum said...

Write each thing down on a different bit of paper. Put all the papers in a hat and then draw out one paper. Tackle that first and then draw out the next. Nah, just do what you want to do and I'm sure everything else will fall into place. Take care.
Love from Mum

Connie said...

Ah Cabin Fever. We all get it from time to time. Ice cream seems to help.

Curtise said...

Yes, I recognise that feeling. Never mind, I'm sure it won't last. Sometimes a good stomp around in the cold and the rain clears the cobwebs! xxxx

sky-blu-pink said...

With all those projects to choose from, I am sure you will settle to one of them!

Anonymous said...

Nope it certainly is not just you anyway, I often feel that way and then. Get grumpy with myself for wasting precious time not doing anything productive. We are allowed days like that, I tell myself that it is my emotional side telling me to just take some out from all the chores and things that need to be done xx

Michelle said...

I love rain! I have many, many projects and there are days that I just can't decide. Just eat cookies!

bibbitybob said...

Sometimes a chilled day off is what's needed :) x

Annie Cholewa said...

No, I can't settle today either ... I have a million things I must do and here I am catching up with lovely blogs while the rain lashes against the windows. Blame the weather, that's what I'm doing ;)

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