Everyday China

Thought I'd share my everyday china with you today.  I've had it for over 25 years.   It is Kilkee by Noritake and not the least bit vintage, although I have seen some bits and pieces appearing in charity shops over the last year.  I still like it, though, and its done a grand job over the years.

I got the bus into town today as it was raining ... again!  The bus stop is at the opposite end of town from where I usually start my charity shop trawl.  It felt very strange approaching the shops from the other end of town and visiting them in a different order!  Didn't realise I was such a creature of habit!  Do you have a usual route or order when you go charity shopping?  I've just realised that I even go round the shop exactly the same way each time!  Oh dear!

Did get a laugh, though.  I was in one of those charity shops that sell furniture and a wee pensioner couple were looking around.

Wife to hubby         "That's a nice wee computer table, i'nt it?"
Hubby                       "Aye, no bad."
There was a short pause ...
Wife                            "Shame we've no got a computer."

And they wandered on.
It was just one of those perfect moments!

Absolutely no luck charity shopping today.  The £30 tea set was still there (2 months, now) and the plastic basket of china was still as full and awkwardly placed as ever!

Think I'm going to give up collecting china, it is becoming too expensive.  I'll leave it to the experts.  Hope you had better luck today!

Love, Liz


Used-to-Bees said...

I think that would be a challenge, to give up collecting china! It obviously gives you a good deal of exercise, trying to scout out something pretty and reasonably priced in your wander through the town (whichever direction you do it in!) Plus we'll all miss seeing your finds. But I can see where you're coming from...

Curtise said...

Yes, I'm a creature of habit too, I go round the shops and the market in the same order! There is obviously safety and comfort in the routine.
I'm sure you will always keep your eye out for vintage china, Liz, but discriminate on the basis of cost - there will always be the occasional bargain to be had. xxx

Vix said...

Hasn't it been miserable, not Springlike in the slightest!
I have the same routine, too.
I'm sure you'll find a bargain eventually. xxx

Emma Kate at Paint and Style said...

Aw, bless that couple! xx

Unknown said...

Now I think about it I do go around the charity shops in the same order every time lol. Hopefully you'll find some reasonably priced vintage china. Your blog is what made me appreciate vintage china as most of your finds are from pottery firms local to me.

lavender attic said...

No Liz, you can't give up - I'm always amazed at your finds. I was going to say rent it out, but if you're like me I couldn't bear to trust anyone with my china! I did a charity shop trawl through a local town recently and was appalled at some of the stuff, and the prices, although i still believe there are gems and treasures out there!

September Violets said...

Well you HAVE to go around the shops in the same order, otherwise you might miss a spot and you might forget to go back, and then you'd be waking up in the middle of the night worrying that that one missed aisle would've been where that perfect china tea set had been placed just that afternoon by the shop owner, but you MISSED IT!! And now, guaranteed, someone who doesn't even go out scouring the shops on a regular basis, but just stopped in to get out of the rain for a bit, looked at and thought it was sorta nice and scooped it up, brought it home and put it in their garage to deal with "later", but as often happens, "later" becomes years and years, and that perfect tea set gathers dust and dirt. You could have saved yourself the agony if you had only GONE THE SAME ROUTE through the shop. just saying ;) Wendy (oh, and 'no', I never go the same way)

sky-blu-pink said...

I have been lucky with charity shop finds, out of my usual hunting grounds, pretty and inexpensive!

The Faerie Factory said...

I to have a charity shop habit. I always visit them in the same order and hit the linen rails first then the china shelves. We are indeed all creatures of habit. What pretty china to use every day we just have white supermarket plates as my 16 year old son likes to bash them about when he dries up. Sarah x

Evangelines Jumble of ideas said...

I to am a creature of habbit I try to get to the op-shops when I'm in town. I love your china It's so pretty to look at. don't give up you just never know when thet special piece will turn up. Evangeline :)

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