Beautiful Posters

I love this type of vintage advertising poster - so decorative and beautiful.

These images are from the poster book I found a while ago.

Just love the whole atmosphere of this one - all those bright young things.

Can you guess what this poster was used to advertise?  Salad oil!  Amazing!

Love, Liz


Connie said…
I love it, too!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a fabulous weekend,
Your blogging sister, Connie :)
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh gorgeous! Such bold strong images, and they capture the fin-de-siécle perfectly.
Vix said…
The first illustration looks like Aubrey Beardsley,. Love him! x
Cool art deco posters, I too love these beautiful posters Cheers Leah.
Curtise said…
Oh yes, these are such beautiful images, I love them too. xxx
So very of Gatsby era beautiful art work. I thought the little jug I purchased the other day looked familiar it has the same design on as your header ... have a happy weekend... Sarah x
They're gorgeous. Prosaic products these days could do with prettier pictures.
claire said…
love them, art deco is so cool at the moment x

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