Saving the Best Till Last

I've saved the best till last.
This little vintage(?) tea set was part of last weekend's riches and it is absolutely beautiful.  I think that this is one of the prettiest I've ever seen.

It is called Hazeldean by New Chelsea.

The cup has a beautiful little pattern all around the scalloped rim - gorgeous.  Don't think I could ever part with this one.

Look at the little flock of birds - so sweet!
 Hope you are having a lovely weekend full of fun, friends and, most importantly, FINDS!
Love, Liz


Plain Jane said…
I agree - it's stunning! I think that splash of orange and yellow in the flowers really livens it up - just the sort of eye candy needed for (another) wet and windy Sunday morning x Jane
Irene said…
Hello Liz, your china find is stunning and so beautiful.
It is beautiful, I really need to start hunting for treasures again.
gill said…
That's so pretty, what a great find. I've been to two car boot sales this morning but sadly didn't find too many bargains-I think the rain last night put off sellers and the ones that did turn out seemed to be selling mostly baby clothes and toys which is not what I'm looking for! I'm planning a lazy afternoon enjoying the sunshine in my part of the world while it lasts.
Paulette said…
You did save the best for last, magnificent.
Vintage Gal said…
Liz ~ this little tea set is just lovely. I wouldn't part with it either. Beautiful ~
Attila said…
Lovely and certainly vintage. Is it hand coloured? My guess is that it is 1930's, am I right?
Anne said…
It is really beautiful.
sky-blu-pink said…
Gorgeously elegant! and what a lovely shape for the cups!
Curtise said…
Soooo pretty, Liz! xxxx
Scarlet said…
Absolutely beautiful!
Nicci x said…
A lovely find its so pretty.
I just want to say I recently discovered your blog and I love all your vintage tea set finds.
Wow that is really stunning.
(Just caught up on your last posts) YES that's agreat idea hiring the china out.. I'm sure there would be a need for that, as it's all the rage for weddings right now!

BUMMER about your tooth. That is painful, in a monetary sense!
Connie said…
So pretty. Reminds me of my grandmother's 1920's teacups.
Gorgeous Liz! I love the little Hollyhocks. Many thanks for your lovely comments. have a great week. Love Linda x
Used-to-Bees said…
You have so much lovely china, but this one really takes the biscuit! Just perfect! I think in your house, you need to have a tea party every day to show off your stunning collection!
Marjorie said…
I think it is my favourite of yours. Love the use of colour.
I'm green with envy over this super find! Its so beautiful and I absolutely love those colours and the hollyhocks.
Miss Maple said…
My dearest Liz, how really pretty is your vintage tea set. Not only the pattern is gorgeous but also the shape of the cups and plates. I can imagine that you're really happy with it. Wish you nice afternoons with friends sipping tea from your beautiful china. And not to forget having the sweetest cakes from these lovely plates with their delicate gold rim.
The colours are absolutely amazing. I wouldn't blame you for never wanting to part with it.
Rosie xx
claire said…
how come you always manage to find lovely tea cups!? I never seem to find them much these days or if I do they are waaaaaay too much money!!
Vintage Jane said…
What a lovely find! M x
These are absolutely gorgeous, I love 30s flower prints - I dated them for you, they're from about 36-43, probably pre war. I just love the colours, so strong.
Unknown said…
Hi I'm a chinaholic and that little delight is a triple G+T!!!!Kind Regards Pam.

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