Tea Break!

I seem to be on a knitting and crochet spree these days!  Probably something to do with the longer days and better light.  Also got something to do with how awful TV is at the moment.  Even worse now that Call the Midwife, Ripper Street and Mr Selfridge have all finished!  I listen to radio more. 
This is my latest retro tea cosy -

Very pale shades of pink and lemon - just right for Easter, I think.

Goes very well with this little vintage trio.

It is Plant Tuscan China (Reg No 780986) - so pretty and I use it quite a lot.

Loved putting this together, although there are fewer cakes now that there were at the beginning!!!!

Love, Liz


Irene said…
Hello Liz,

Oh my word such a beautiful tea cosy. The soft pastel shades gorgeous. You can't beat a cup of tea from a china cup, and I agree with you on the T.V. programmes.
Everything about this is pretty. The tea cosy, that tea cup and saucer and those cakes look delicious! Lovely post. xx
Hi Liz,

Very cute cosies, sweet colours. And yes, perfect for Easter!

Take care, Tammy
So pretty, Liz. Mmm, I fancy one of those fondant (are they?) cakey things right now! xx
Brilliant! We definitely need to get this tea cosy trend going!
Ellie Foster said…
Dear Liz
Lovely spring gorgeousness again. I really like the china trio. I have a little Tuscan candlestick in black with gold patterns and little pastel coloured flowers on the base. They made some beautiful things. I hope you really enjoyed your tea - the tea cosy is perfect with the Battenburg!
Best wishes
Kylie said…
It's as pretty as Coconut Ice.
Second series of Call the Midwife about to start here, can't wait!
Wendy Bayford said…
What a lovely choice of colours, it looks good enough to eat! x
Max said…
Very pretty. And nom, fondant fancies, haven't had one of those in an age, reallllly want one now!
Patricia said…
I like a nice tea cosy. The trouble is though on a daily basis we make our tea with a teabag in a mug. I love a cup of Earl Grey but it has to be in a bone china cup. Must get my tea pot out and get in the habit of using it. Your cosy is very pretty.
Patricia x
Plain Jane said…
You will certainly have to keep replenishing those cakes - to keep in with the theme you understand! Another lovely cosy x Jane
Vix said…
Very pretty colours, remind me of a Battenburg Cake! x
Love the pink and lemon, so pretty and feminine. Also going to miss Call the Midwife and Mr Selfridge xx
June said…
I love your tea cosy in battenburg colours!
Rose H (UK) said…
Wow Liz, that one is splendid! Love how it matches the battenburg ;o)
Rose H
gilly said…
Could I please come for tea at your house? ;-)
It just all looks so fabulously pretty,
Elisabeth said…
Lovely! When I saw the first photo I thought of battenburg cake straight away before I saw the other picture :) Elisabeth x
My Norfolk Life said…
Oh my!! You tea cosy is simply perfect.
Gorgeous tea cosy!! I saw t.v. previews for Mr. Selfridge a week ago or so. I think it might just be starting over here, unless I totally missed it! I need to go check :)
Unknown said…
It looks to pretty to eat!...maybe ;-)
Mum said…
Very pretty indeed.
Love from Mum
AlisonB43 said…
Love the knitted cosy, just like battenburg - is there any better cake????
Curtise said…
As everyone has said, that lovely cosy looks perfect with the French fancies and Battenburg slices, how delicious! xxx
Fiona said…
Lovely cosy and it matches your battenburg! I too will miss Call the Midwife (I heard Miranda on the radio saying it will be back tho') and Mr Selfridge.
Oh these photos really made me smile! A battenburg tea cosy = genius! So pleased you're on a creative roll, there's no feeling like it. x
**Anne** said…
What a gorgeous tea cosy and those cakes, yum.
Your new header is lovely.
Anne xx
Anonymous said…
Hello Liz
Well what can I say..all so pretty and Scrummy !!! I think I shall buy a few treats for Easter now
Happy Week
Thea x
Catherine said…
I just love pink & lemon together & that little setting looks just perfect. Aren't tea cosies just such a joy! x0x0x
Njam, very nice cup and the 'hat' ;)
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh Battenburg is my absolute fave cake, so I love this!
perfect Spring colours, I really fancy a cuppa and a cake right now, especially out of such a pretty tea cup!
Unknown said…
Hi,just my cup of tea,beautiful china a pretty tea cosy and french fancies yum yum!!I love these sort of photos!Kind Regards Pam.
How Easter-ly! Love the colours.. love tea cosies!!!
How I miss battenburg!!!
Claire said…
Wow, matching tea cosies to cakes....yum
Might have to try that one.
It all looks so delish Liz.....love the cosy colours.

Claire :}
Miss Maple said…
Oooh! That's so romantic! Would like to sit and knit with you and share the cake. Everything has so soft and lovely colours. It's really very springlike.

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