Knit Your Own ..... Wedding Dress!


I found the pattern for this dress in a copy of the magazine Womancraft of March 1980.  I had to double check the date - really, a hand knitted wedding dress in 1980?  Still, I suppose it would come in handy later - you could always rip it out and knit baby things in due course!  (Can you tell I'm a Scot?)

Here's some of the detail.   Anyone want the pattern?  Do you know anyone who wore a knitted wedding dress?

From the same magazine is this recipe for Cheesy Onions - doesn't it sound revolting.  Surely one for Kylie's next retro cook-off!

This magazine was one of the more "modern" items in Pandora's Breadbin!

This has more of an 80s vibe!
Love, Liz


Ruth Kelly said…
Sounds too hot for me and I think it would take a year to knit. It looks more like it a crochet than a knit. I agree cheese onions does not appeal in any way.
Wow, what a find. Nigel Slater has a great recipe for a similar dish. Though it just uses cream & parmesan with the onions if I remember correctly. Its very tasty.
Anonymous said…
Mmm a knitted wedding dress? Sounds more 60s to me. I thought the 80s were all about huge shoulder pads and big bows on the butt. :) T

hat recipe reminds me a little of the local food here - everything is cheese, potatoes and onions, melted, fondued, you name it. It's yummy but you get sick of it. I wonder how the French stay so slim with a diet like that?

I'm kinda grooving on that 80s coat, btw, though the hat's a little weird. :)
gillyflower said…
Hi Liz!
Hmm, not sure about that wedding dress - I suppose she thought it a good idea at the time! Having said that, I'm sure some super slim gorgeous girl would look wonderful in a modern version!
Good old 80s shoulder pads! I still have suits and smart coats from that decade with wide shoulders, it being my first working one!
Have a good evening Liz
Gill xx
Mum said…
I did knit myself a mini dress once in the dim distant past. It didn't look or fit right at all so the wool was used for something else. I did make my own wedding dress but it wasn't knitted. The cheesy onions look quite revolting in the picture and I don't think I saw anyone walking around in the outfit in the last picture in the 80s. This is one very interesting bread bin!
Love from Mum
Dearest Liz, believe it or not - I laughed out loudly when I read your post! Incredible! A knitted wedding dress! Never heard of before! I must admit though, it looks quite appealing - but the work... Luckily I am married and do not have to worry about such things... Also your comment about the onions is fun! I like the sentence "doesn't sound revolting..." I have to remember that! Keep on posting in such a great and humorous way! It made my evening! Christa
vintagemovement said…
Knitted wedding dress that is the find of the year! Hilarious and kitsch to the max - I love it! xx Tina
**Anne** said…
I always have a good giggle looking at old magazines. My daughter and nephew were in hysterics looking at old magazines while doing a clean up at my Mum's house. Sure kept them entertained.
Knitted wedding dress...hmmmm, perhaps not.
Have a fab day,
Anne xx
sky-blu-pink said…
How cool is that wedding dress! My sister and I were bridesmaids in about 1972 to our babysitter, who had a crocheted dress, all the way from Portugal. We had dark brown cotton dresses with a sort of self-stripe, with pink ribbon trim. Onions and cheeses separately, very nice, but together? Not sure ....
A knitted wedding dress, how funny ... have to hope it wouldn't rain ... images of those knitted bathing suits in the 40's that grew alarmingly when wet spring to mind .... not that I ever had one.
Kylie said…
It would be an 'R' rated wedding dress if I'd knitted it! (dropped stitches and gapey holes)
Not much of the 80's about it as far as I can see...
Those cheesey onions don't sound too bad to me Liz.
Today I received a comment from an American follower who didn't know what Haggis was! I was quite surprised actually.
Vix said…
I've got a 1960s crochet wedding dress, they were all the rage back then (and I've sold a couple of the patterns on eBay) x
found and sewn said…
I can only just about knit a scarf!
Annie Cholewa said…
Can you just imagine the bride fidgeting at the altar because the wool was making her hot and itchy. Or is it a knitted acrylic wedding dress, which if so is somehow worse!
Linda said…
Perfect for a winter wedding, my friend got engaged yesterday, I wonder if she'd like a knitted dress xx
Trudy said…
I had a knitted dress when I was about 10, I remember it being striped and having two different colour pinks ... hmmm, lovely. Had I thought about a knitted wedding dress, well who knows ...!!
I seem to remember seeing some mad wedding online where the bride had knitted everything - including the cake!
Tece said…
I would LOVE a copy of the pattern- there are also tons of ladies who have knit their wedding dress on Ravelry :))
Heritage Hall said…
My beloved Mother knit me an adult size long coat (lined in pussy-willow satin)with matching hat ..very chic. As often happens, fashions
changed....only wish I still had it to cherish...

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