Cross Stitch - Finished!

Ta Da! Tuesday over at Faith Hope and Charity Shopping and it really is a bit of a ta da moment for me because -

(a)      not only did I finish a little bit of cross stitch


(b)      I actually pressed it and backed it on the same day!!!!!

The only problem is - I can't make up my mind whether to use it as part of a lavender bag or as the front of a little needle book.  Decisions .....!!!!!

Pop over to Lakota's blog for lots of wonderful things!

Love, Liz


Tina said…
This is really a beautiful work, Liz. So pretty and delicate. xx
Vintage Jane said…
Good for you Liz - beautifully worked. I really need to find a bit of me time to do some crafting. M x
Deborah said…
This is lovely! I wish I knew how to cross stitch.
So pretty, wish I had the patience to cross stitch!
Victoria xx
Mum said…
Very pretty. I vote needle book.
Love from Mum
Used-to-Bees said…
Such a sweet design! I would have to make it into a needlecase as I would see it more that way, but that may be because I sew most days, but have my eyes half-closed when delving into drawers!
Little Nell said…
Very pretty Liz -A ta dah moment indeed!
Fiona said…
Lovely work, I find cross stich very therapeutic.
Annie Cholewa said…
It would make a lovely needle book cover :)
sky-blu-pink said…
Pretty! I think it cries out to be a needle book, personally..... :)
Linda said…
That's really beautiful, it will look lovely no matter what you choose to make it into. Linda xxx
blackenpot said…
Very pretty indeed.
I really like your cross stitch. And to top if off you finished and backed it on the same day!!! I'm jealous..I've never managed to finish any of my cross stitch patterns. A good New Years resolution I think.
vintage grey said…
So beautiful!! xo Heather
Think it has to be a needle case cover - after a bit of fast work, I wonder how long it will take me to get round to that!!!
Marjorie said…
Pretty little picture.
needle book! It's so sweet - use that dusky pink felt with it xx
Trudy said…
Lovely cross-stitch, and just perfect for a sweet, little needlecase.
Heather said…
it's lovely, needle book cover would be nice! Heather x
Eek, so sorry I've taken so long to visit this post, just catching up with previous ta-dahs now. Good work, this looks like it could be just the right size project for me to attempt, I'm a bit scared of cross-stitch. Very pretty.

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