Black Swans and a Potato!

I bought this picture because I loved its retro frame.

It was only £1 and girls, as you know, its difficult to find even an empty cheapo pine frame for less than £1.50 in charity shops these days!

But, slowly, the picture is growing on me!
It reminds me of the black swans we saw in New Zealand a few years ago and every time I look at it, I remember the lovely holiday we had there with wonderful friends.

It still has the original framer's label attached - Fraser & Son, Dundee.  So, a quick clean up and polish and it will be going on the wall ... that is, when I get my study re-organised and sorted ... whenever that will be!

Oh, and on a weird, That's Life 70s note, (no not that weird)!  How abut this potato I was just about to peel last night - gorgeous little heart!

Have a great weekend!

Love, Liz


Kylie said…
The black swan is the emblem of Western Australia Liz, so if you ever come here for a holiday you'll be able to see them again.
What a sweet little spud x
Anonymous said…
Strange how a picture can grow on you isn't it, yet you often don't know why. There is something serene about swans, maybe that adds to the appeal if you have a helter skelter kind of life?
great find for the price.
Ruth Kelly said…
Fraser and sons could be very very very distant cousins of mine. My 4th great grandfather left Scotland and moved to Kingston Upon Hull in England. He was William Fraser.
Deborah said…
I LOVE this vintage picture. So calming!
Rose H (UK) said…
What a great print Liz, and yes I love the frame too.
Your spud raised a smile, but to get on 'That's Life' it would need to be much ruder than that ;o)
Rose H
What a crazy potato! The Black swan are lovely. Tam x

Good to hear you are felling better.
Oops that should be feeling!
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh how I love the potato, being a fan of all things heart- shaped! And I like the serene colours of the swan painting, very restful.
Trudy said…
Did wonder how you were going to link those two subjects together!! What an amazing spud!
it's really such a sweet picture and for £1 it can't be too bad. Love the potato xxx
I like the picture, it reminds me of the Vernon Ward pictures. x
Hello Liz, loving your black swans, it reminds me of holiday's in Madeira. I love the heart shaped potato too! Much love to you, Linda x
Penny-Rose said…
Thank you for following my blog. I have just been looking at your posts and the superman knitting pattern made me smile /snigger - the adult ones are just too much but the little boy is so cute, and so is teddy.
I can see how that picture is growing on you, I like it! How strange, I put a similar heart shaped spud on my blog recently. Suzy x
Vix said…
What a gorgeous picture, I'd definitely have bought it as I seem to have developed an obsessions with all things swan recently.
Lovely to meet you! xxx
vintage grey said…
Beautiful painting and such a cute heart shaped potato!! xo Heather

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