Tuesday's Bargain

It is Ta Da Tuesday and I've another 25 pence charity shop bargain!

Its a blue and white Original Cornish Kitchenware mug by T G Green, Church Gresley.

It matches the blue and white egg cups I found ages ago.  It was really grubby when I bought it, but a good scrub in soapy water has worked wonders.  But I might just soak it in some denture cleaner for a wee while, just to get rid of any remaining marks.

Pop over to visit Lakota at Faith Hope & CharityShopping for some more great Ta Da Tuesday posts.

Love, Liz


Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

25p? Score! Cornish ware is so cheery, no wonder it's been so popular for such a long time.

gillyflower said...

Another great bargain! Ive always loved the blue and white china, always looks so cheerful.

Vintage Jane said...

Fab bargain!. Love you new header by the way. M x

ChrisTea And Cakes said...

Oooh, great find. I was given some Cornish ware dinner plates and casseroles years ago and I still love it. Never see it in charity shops or the like though.

Little Dotty Bird said...

What a bargain find indeed! As a Cornish Lass I love the blue and whites!

Deborah said...

Wow, great find sweetie, can't believe it was 25p!!

Bee happy x

VintageVicki said...

Fab bargain :) Lucky you what a find :)

Tangled Sweetpea said...

25p?! Fabulous!
Victoria xx

Rose H (UK) said...

Brilliant find Liz! I love Cornish Ware, but then it IS blue and white...
Rose H

Pomona said...

That's a great bargain - I love that stripy china!

Pomona x

Paulette said...

Very nice mug, but I learned a new trick from you about denture cleaner. Thanks for the new to me information.

thriftwood said...

Wow, 25p! The charity shops where I live have all put up their prices ... Can't get anything for less than a pound these days!

love Claire xxx

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Oh you and your 25p bargains. You know how jealous I am! xx

Unknown said...

My GOD what an amazing bargain 25p i bet you skipped out the shop ;-) dee x

sky-blu-pink said...

Love it! I have a sugar bowl, and I thought I had a bargain at £1! So cheery and bright in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

I adore Cornish ware, but refuse to buy it new as it is now designed in the uk but made in china and that kind of ruins it. SO amazing find, im jealous.

♥ Miss Tea said...

oh my, 25p??? i cant find anything with that price in my local charity shops nowadays, even if they had..it would probably stuff that are beyond salvage hehehe..and by the way, i love the mug! x susan

Anne said...

Dont you just love blue and white china especially the cornishware. A real bargain and it never really goes out of style does it?

Mrs. H said...

What a find, well done!
I love seeing what people manage to find.
I'm loving the autumnal colours in your new header by the way.
: )

Miss Simmonds Says said...

That's an absolute bargain, I love Cornishware

Kylie said...

There's just something about those blue and white stripes...simple but lovely. Great bargain too Liz.

vintage grey said...

Great bargain!! xo Heather

magie said...

What a find! I need to go to the charity shops you are going to :)
Magie x

koralee said...

I love Cornish...I have oodles of it and need to start using it again. I love the pink and would love to start collecting that...your blog is delightful.

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