Knit Your Own Superman ... (Jumper)

Isn't this so 80s!!!!!!!

Came across this Patons Superman knitting pattern book from the 80s.  The patterns are by Joy Gammon and they are absolutely wonderful!  Who wouldn't want to wear one of these - especially the young man about town!  The wee lad looks as if he likes his jumper, though.

At least Teddy looks good in his!

Picture knits are great for kids, but adults ...??????

Love, Liz
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I've just realised that some of the blogs I read regularly have disappeared from my reading list - have no idea why this has happened!  I will get round to catching up eventually.  Sorry!


thriftwood said…
Loved this post ... I remember having a Desperate Dan sweatshirt, wish I still had it!

Have a wonderful Wednesday

Claire xx
**Anne** said…
Very cheesy photos! :) I like the teddy best.
Anne xx
Kylie said…
I wouldn't mind a Superman jumper actually Liz. Not the full-on one, I like the blue one with the 'S' on it best, and Ted's of course. He looks very cute x
June said…
Oh dear. Fashion faux pas here. I can't see an adult wearing one of those today! I have a similar problem with reading lists from time to time - some blogs disappear and a few weeks later they re-appear!
Vintage Jane said…
Those jumpers are totally mad as was most 80's fashion! M x
Jo said…
Hahahaha! This is the funniest thing I've seen today, I doubt it can be beaten. The guy in the last photo obviously thinks he is the business!
Wow. Just wow. These remind me of that Paddington jumper I was waffling on about the other day...

Anna x
Anonymous said…
Awesome for kids, but let me know if you come across a 'Starbright' pattern, as I had one as a kid but would love one now... It takes a strong style to carry off a jumper like superman as an adult but awesome find.
Rachael said…
Haha that is great, I remember my my mum knitted me Wallace and Gromit jumpers!
They are a little full on aren't' they! I don't ever remember anyone wearing them in the 80's. Maybe they were even daggy then....

I could see Kylie rocking one though :) Not that I think Kylie is daggy..haha
vintage grey said…
Oh my!! Too funny!! xo Heather
Oh how very funny! Love Linda x
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh what fun! Even better than the reindeer sweater as sported by Colin Firth as Mark Darby in the Bridget Jones film!
Oh wow, love these! I reckon my boys would wear those. I could go for a Wonder Woman jumper if you ever find a pattern for that ;-)


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