Heather, Poetry and Spitfires

When I'm rummaging in charity shops I'm always on the lookout for items that are either made locally or are about this part of Scotland.  So I was absolutely delighted at the weekend to come across this book.

Its called "This Heatherland" a book of verse by John Gillespie (local architect)and printed by the Greenock Telegraph, our local newspaper.  After a bit of research using google, I discovered that it dated from 1940/41 and the proceeds from sales went to Greenock's Spitfire Fund!  How amazing is that.

Seemingly during the war companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute towards local Spitfire Funds - raising money to buy more Spitfire aeroplanes for the war effort and the planes would be named after them.

Greenock managed to raise £7000 and a Spitfire was to be named after the town, but I couldn't find out if this actually happened.  A bit more research to do!

I'm so pleased that I found a local item, but also learned a few interesting facts about local history.  Have you ever found anything interesting from your home town?

By the way, the poetry in the book is all about Greenock, shipbuilding, the Clyde, Robert Burns, etc and is, shall we say, to put it gently ... of its time!

Why do charity shops keep putting sticky labels on things ... argh!!!!!!!
Love, Liz

I know I'm late again, but I'm joining Lakota's Ta Da! Tuesday over at Faith Hope & Charity Shopping.


Kylie said…
What a perfect, perfect book for you to find Liz. And I agree with you about those damn stickers! WHY???
What a wonderful find!
Victoria xx
What a great little find. How interesting...thanks for sharing!
interesting! i do look for local stuff in the charity shops too and have found photo-history books as well as local pottery! i hate it too when they put sticky stuff in the more prominent sides of things in the shops :( our local secondhand bookstore writes the price in INK on the first page as well!! arrghh!! makes me mad :X
Hi Liz,
Thanks for stopping by!!
What an amazing find, thought what is up with the stickers??? That bothers me too :)
I was reading your post about Aldi. I LOVE Aldi, but I understand your concern about new construction when there are so many vacant buildings in your town. The same thing happens here too!
What a lovely tale this book has to tell! Love the bit about the Spitfires. I haven't bought any local treasures but I sometimes come across Sheffield cutlery and dream of starting a collection one day.

Anna x
Used-to-Bees said…
It is great to find something pertinent to where we live, like that, especially when it's of an age . I think these kinds of books are all too often pulped as they have a very specific and limited appeal and the charity shops don't think anyone will want them! Glad you managed to rescue your little treasure, even if it has been sticky labelled!
What a fantastic local find :)
Ooh, I know what you mean about the stickers. They totally ruin paper based goodies. Tam x

blackenpot said…
What a lovely book for you to find. I quite agree about the stickers though. The can ruin any book!

Nice find. Enjoy your thursday.
What an interesting book. I've only lived in our small city for a few years, but there is much history to be discovered. I look forward to delving into it one day.
Rose H (UK) said…
Wow, you've found a real treasure there Liz.
And yes, those stickers drive me loopy too....should 'THAT' parcel EVER arrive there's a victim in there...
(Sent off the claim today - grrr!)
vintage grey said…
Great find, and love the name!! xo Heather
Great local find - and it's not just charity shops, sticky labels seem to be on all kinds of things from regular shops too, drives me spare. It's as annoying as security tags on clothes which prevent you from putting things on!
I hate those stickers too....love your header!
orchid0324 said…
Dearest Liz,
I am really happy for you that you could find such a book of treasure! I can see your love for Greenock whee you live even from your side-bar.
Thank you very much for stopping by and hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

claire said…
oh wow what a find, i love old local books too. Yeh, those stickers are quite annoying!

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