Went to the Royal Highland Show at Ingliston outside Edinburgh yesterday and had a wonderful day. It rained all the way there and we were a bit worried that it would be a day of dashing from one tent to another to try to keep dry. But actually it stayed dry for most of the day, although conditions underfoot were a bit muddy! We had worn appropriate footware, so we were ok.
Couldn't resist taking this photo on the way in - must have really intelligent sheep to be able to read this notice! As for Pink - was she there, and did she really need her own sign?!
No, this is not a pic of hubby! |
Hubby wandered off to see tractors and such like while BF and I immediately headed for the craft and food areas (well, we're townies after all)! Some of the jewellery on display was amazing, but it was a bit crowded to take photos. Was quite impressed by the country girls in their tweeds and riding boots, very fashionable indeed! There were lots of trade areas - even a Cath Kidston area, very pretty.
The food court was great as there were lots of free samples to be had - loved some of the cheeses and (of course) the fudge and sweet things! Bought a bottle of raspberry gin - incredibly delicious, and my friend bought a bottle of toffee vodka - amazing taste. So I foresee a few good evenings spent making sure these products taste as good at home as they did at the RHS!
Did manage a look at the farm machinery and had a good laugh trying to work out what on earth they could possibley be used for!
A great (but muddy) day out!
Love, Liz
Sounds like a perfect day to me Liz. I love the "Michelin Man" and now I want to try toffee vodka.
I'm pleased that you had a 'grend day out' Liz - looks like fun, and the rain stayed away for you..I have to say it's starting to loose it's allure here :o(
Rose H
What a great day!
Looks like a wonderful day sweetie, thanks for sharing your photos, I bet you need a sit down today though!
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Looks great Liz! Would have liked to see the CK on tour stall ... We made blackberry vodka last Christmas, was an amazing success, definitely going for the toffee one this year! Xxx
Looks like a fab day out Liz!
Victoria xx
Liz..couldn't imagine the need to have your own sign! At least it was a gorgeous color and not bland brown? Just love the sweet CK spot and made a purchase online today. Ah a good tractor...glad the men like them! Smiles...Renee
That man made out of the tyres is funny!
I feel so jealous! Hehe. The CK area looks so pretty. I went to the Highland Show two years ago with my Dad and had the best time! Being a country girl I actually loved all the massive farm machinery (there was a pink tractor!!), looking at the cows and I ate way too much Mackie's ice-cream!
Glad you had a great day out, the bottles of plonk sound delish!, loved the CK stall
Thea x
Oh, what a lovely day and what a funny sign! And look at all the Cath Kidston goodies!! So sweet! xo Heather
LOL on the sign liz :) and i love shows like these! and my first stop would be the food court! oooohhhh raspberry gin!
Sounds like a perfect day out Liz. Something for you and something for DH too. Did you pick up any fun items while you were there?
I started a new blog since mine was full. Hope you can stop by and visit...
Hugs from Holland ~
I love silly signs!
Hope the raspberry gin is as good as it sounds! xx
Hi again Liz, pop over for a quick visit please - there's something for you!
Rose H
Funny sign! Sounds like my idea of a perfect day out. M x
Hi Liz looks like you had a wonderful day.Ron and I got stuck in the RHS traffic jam on our way to Crianlarich...it's good to be back in Scotland again..
All looks good fun Liz...
CK stall would be good to browse through...
The Raspberry gin ooh!
Maria x
Looks like a perfect day out! Glad you enjoyed it : )
Danielle xo
Cute little tire person and it took me a few brain cells to figure out what Pink was. She is not my cup of tea.
What a wonderful day out, craft and food....what more could a girl want.
Have a fab weekend,
Anne xx
Hello Liz
Wierd sign....wonder what they refer to when they indicate PINK????
I know someone who looks like that Michelin man... I wonder if he was the model!!! Must show him this!
Ahhh thta stall would draw me like a magnet
Keep well
Hmm, when you think about it, it does look like the tractor is sporting a rather large pair of forceps. Hopefully more useful in feeding out hay than delivering calves.
It looks like a fun day and some great shopping.
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