Pretty Nostalgic Magazine

I was delighted when my copy of Issue 1 of the new magazine

 Pretty Nostalgic

popped through my letterbox a few weeks ago.

So why, I hear you ask, were you so delighted?
Well, among other things, because of this -

A little piece I had written about an unusual family superstition had been published!  First time I've ever had anything in a magazine!
I was also looking forward to reading the magazine because it would be featuring all sorts of vintage and "upcycled" bits and pieces.  It certainly didn't disappoint.

It is going to be published every two months and I'm really looking forward to the next issue which is due on 1 July.

Some of you may remember that a while ago I was bemoaning the lack of a magazine which plugged into the vintage and handmade scene, well I think this might be it!  It is a bit pricy at £8 an issue, but of course if you take out a subscription then it works out a bit cheaper.  I'm happy to forgo my other usual magazine if Pretty Nostalgic keeps up the standard shown in Issue 1.  Have you had a look?  What did you think?

Love, Liz

Edited to say -
In my excitement at seeing my name in print, I think I may have given the impression that I had a huge article published.  It wasn't!  It was just a little tiny piece!  Sorry if I misled anyone.  Liz


Kylie said...

Oh Liz, how wonderful to see your name in print! It looks like a lovely mag, doubt we'll ever see it here in Australia though...
Have you subscribed to Home Heart magazine? It's an online mag I'm sure you'd like.
Thank you too for the gorgeous card you sent me x

claire said...

every time i see this in a blog post i think i have to get myself a copy! It is pricey...but when you take into account it's bi-monthly that makes it 4.00 a month...kind of.....i'm just trying to justify it to myself hahaha

Rachael said...

Such a pretty little magazine. I'd totally be looking it up if I was still in the UK. Saying that WHSMith in York was rubbish at getting decent magazines in!

lavender attic said...

I agree - I think it's fab - I came across it via Nikki's blog as her shop in Shepton Mallet was in Issue 1. X Sally

vintage grey said...
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Maria said...

Yep well done You!
Will look out for this great magazine.....
Love the paisley material on your latest post..
My daughters feathered quilt is of the same pattern.(so pretty)
love Maria x

Madison said...

I'm sure I recognise those painted flower glasses. I saw them on a blog once. My initial thoughts are that it was in your blog. I'm off to investigate.

Madison xxx

ps so you going to tell us what this unusual family superstition is?

Shortbread and Ginger said...

I'll get round to telling you about our unusual family superstition very soon!

Erna said...

Hi Liz, I posted a comment yesterday but I think I didn't arrive??I love this magazine and you must be proud to have your name in it.I hope I can buy it when I'm in Scotland in two weeks...
Erna x

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