Piano Van Man

When I was in Edinburgh recently I visited the NationalGallery which has a wonderful collection of paintings from different eras and a fantastic cafe and terrace overlooking Princes Street Gardens.

On my way out, I was aware of lovely piano music coming from somewhere, so I set off to investigate!

All I could see was this lorry, but at the back was a guy sitting at a piano - his playing was wonderful.  He is the Olympianist - you an check out the website.  He is touring the UK raising money for charity.  Has anyone else come across him?

What a great and unusual way to raise money.  (Love the BeethoVAN!)

Love, Liz


Tina said...

Very original and clever. I hope he raises a lot for charity. :)

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

How fun - not heard of him before but I shall keep an ear and an eye out!

keshling said...

I would love to visit Edinburgh (massive Rebus fan!)and hope to get there for a mini-break next year sometime. It's an ambition to go to the Festival but I think it'll be expensive for lodgings whilst it's on :(

K xx

sky-blu-pink said...

Fabulous to hear unexpected music! On our honeymoon we were in Wells Cathedral and we were treated to an organist's rehearsal for a recital that evening; or rather the whole performance note-perfect! When I was at school our youth orchestra played in the Tollard Hall at several Edinburgh Festivals, and I loved the buzz. Haven't been in 30 years, so about time to pay nother visit.

vintage grey said...

Wow, how original and creative!! Thanks for sharing!! So fun to see! xo Heather

Unknown said...

No i have never seen that but it looks wonderful, dee ;-)

Maria said...

Hi Liz,
How unique and exciting to raise money for charity this way!
I hope he does well too...Will keep my ears open in the future..
You have got me wanting to come and visit Edinburgh again!
Love it!
Maria x

Marjorie said...

That is so neat. Love the Edinburgh pix, have not been there in 36 years so seriously envious of you.

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